Rexall Pharma Plus Drugstore Canada Flyer has good offers valid for 3 days only! The Rexall Pharma Plus Drugstore Canada Deals includes:
- Get 100 Bonus Air Miles when you spend $70 or more on almost everything in store.
- Get 60 Bonus Air Miles when you spend $50 or more on almost everything in store.
The Bonus Miles offer is valid for 3 days only from today, Friday, October 19, 2018, until Sunday, October 21, 2018.
Rexall Pharma Plus Drugstore Canada Flyers has great deals valid for 3 days only from today, October 19, 2018, until October 21, 2018.
- Save $5 off your total purchase when you spend $25 or more using this coupon. This coupon is valid now until November 6, 2018. You can print your coupon or you can show it on your smartphone
Click here to view Rexall Canada flyers.