Rock & Republic Jeans Starting at 99$!


Check out the selections of Rock & Republic jeans and True Religion jeans starting at 99$.

15 responses to “Rock & Republic Jeans Starting at 99$!”

  1. Sally says:

    This is pricey?

  2. Mandy1212 says:

    Nice jeans. LMAO @ the name CRAZY BITCH JEANS.

  3. FatB says:

    Ah damn. Some innocent browsing, and suddenly the Christmas budget is lighter with a pair of TR en route for me. >.<

  4. mary says:

    Designer jeans = pricey.
    Not my kinda thing, but probably a decent deal for whoever is interested.

  5. Sally says:

    Ya I meant pricey for them as in my crap town sells them cheaper lol!

  6. Stephania says:

    Don’t they sell those jeans at Costco for like $80??!!

  7. livi says:

    got mine yesterday =)

  8. Pam says:

    i’m not sure if the costco ones are ‘authentic.’ I heard that the Rock and Republics designed in the US are the authentic ones. The ones at Costco are from Guatemala. At the end of the day, i don’t think anyone can tell the difference so it doesn’t really matter where you get them from:P

  9. Michelle says:

    I refuse to believe Costco would sell things that AREN’T authentic. I don’t wear Rock & Republic, but do you mean they are designed in the US or made in US?

  10. Sally says:

    They would still be authentic lol I think someones just tryingto get people to pay more.

  11. Rose says:

    Gotta love my $10 jeans from Bluenotes lol

  12. Pam says:

    Keep in mind that you can’t believe everything you read on the internet. I personally don’t buy clothes unless they are from the US or Canada (that’s just my personal taste).

  13. maliha44 says:

    What’s so good about these jeans that they are worth $99 and up? Just wanted to know cause you can get Levi’s, the original jean company from $40, and Levi’s jeans are amazing.

  14. Matt says:

    Thanks picked up a pair.

  15. Mandy says:



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