Thanks DrWhoChick for posting this Rockport Canada coupon in Canadian Coupons.
Rockport Canada currently has a $10 off coupon at most of its stores in Canada. To get the coupon you need to visit the Rockport website and choose your city and you’ll get a custom $10 off coupon for your local Rockport store. The coupon entitles you to save $10 off Rockport Footwear when you purchase any pair of regular priced Rockport Footwear.
To download a $10 OFF Coupon you must find a participating Rockport Retailer near you by using the below map. Simply click on the province you live in. Here you will find a list of cities that have participating Retailers, some cities have more than one store. By clicking on the store name, the location information will appear along with a link to the $10 OFF COUPON. Print the coupon & happy shopping!
Click here to get your Rockport Canada coupon
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Where can you receive this offer you are talking about because there is no map and the link just points to their official website