Rockport Canada currently has a large selection of sale items that you can shop, and there are over two hundred styles for men and women that are marked down. Shipping is free to all provinces on orders of $140 or more, and here are some of the styles that are on sale at the moment:
- Total Motion Kalila Pump $99.99 (reg. $160, save 38%)
- Tm Sport High Slip $49.99 (reg. $150, save 67%)
- World Tour Classic $99.99 (reg.$165, save 39%)
- Slayter Apron Toe $89.99 (reg. $160, save 44%)
- Metro Path Blucher $79.99 (reg. $160, save 50%)
- Ridge Woven Slide $79.99 (reg. $115, save 30%)
- Trail Technique Sandal W Sandal $99.99 (reg. $130, save 31%)
- Were Rockin Chranson Sport $79.99 (reg. $160, save 50%)
- Axelrod Slide $89.99 (reg. $175, save 49%)
- R Evolution W Bungee Bootie $49.99 (reg. $160, save 69%)
- Berenger Ptchukka $99.99 (reg. $150, save 33%)
- Total Motion Trail W Spt Lace $99.99 (reg. $175, save 43%)
- Bronson Plaintoe $79.99 (reg. $150, save 47%)
- Mitchell Mockboot $99.99 (reg. $190, save 47%)
- Provence Portia $49.99 (reg. $200, save 75%)
- Rev Stridarc Show $49.99 (reg. $195, save 74%)
- Provence Asym Slipon $49.99 (reg. $200, save 75%)
Click here to shop sale styles at Rockport Canada.