One item that you should most certainly never pay full price for is toilet paper. There are always coupons available and deals on paper products, and companies like Royale frequently offer coupons for their products. There are currently two different coupons available for Royale Velour bathroom tissue, and you will find the links for these two printable coupons below.
The first of the two coupons is for $2 off the purchase of the Royale Velour Paper Pack. This is an item that Shoppers Drug Mart carries, so this would be a great coupon to have if it is available at your location, as Royale is often a part of the two days sales at Shoppers. The second coupon is for $1 off the purchase of any Royale Velour bath tissue. Again, these would be great coupons to use if you are shopping for 20x the points at Shoppers Drug Mart on a weekend where Royale is on sale.
Click here to print your coupon for $2 off the purchase of the Royale Velour Paper Pack.
Click here to print your coupon for $1 off the purchase of any Royale Velour product.