Safeway Canada Facebook Coupon: Sensations Orange Juice $3.99 With Coupon


The first Safeway Canada Deal Of The Week Facebook coupon for 2016 is now available through the Safeway Canada Facebook page. As I would have suspected, after all of the holiday goodies, this week’s coupon is for a “better for you” product. This week only, until January the 7th, 2016, save $2.60 on a 2.63L jug of Sensations orange juice, and pay just $3.99 with this coupon.

This may be a great deal if you normally purchase a branded version of this format of orange juice. You could actually pick up a few of these during the week with the coupon and stock up based on how many you may consume before the expiry date rolls around. This orange juice is not from concentrate, and the coupon is valid on select varieties, which probably include less pulp, etc.

As always, the coupon states a maximum of one per transaction so if you would like purchase more than one item, you may be permitted to break up your purchase into separate transactions. If not, you could simply go through different registers or make repeat trips to the store throughout the week.

Click here to access the Safeway Canada Facebook Deal of The Week coupon.

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