Safeway Canada: Save $4 On Schwartz’s Smoked Sliced Meat Pouches *Printable Coupon*


Attention Safeway Canada shoppers! Each week, Safeway Canada makes a printable coupon available through their Facebook page. The coupon is usually a fairly decent coupon and certainly worth checking out. This week, the coupon valid until October the 2nd, 2014, is for $4 off the purchase of Schwartz’s Smoked Sliced Meat Pouches in the 500g format. Get this item for only $8.99 with the coupon.

This stuff looks pretty good and I’m kind of envious because I don’t think we can get it on Ontario! As with all of the Safeway Facebook printable coupons, you may print as many as you like, however, you are limited to one per transaction. To use more than one you will have to do multiple transactions.

Click here to get this week’s coupon.

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