Sampler Canada: Get A Free Sample of Colgate Optic White Toothpaste

Sampler Canada has a brand new sampling opportunity, and you can click the link below to see if you qualify for this first Sampler offer of 2022!

The current offer is a free sample of Colgate Optic White toothpaste, and you may or may not qualify for various reasons. There are survey questions for this one about what type of toothpaste you currently use, etc., and whether or mot you qualify may depend on those answers.

If you are new to Sampler you can first make an account. You can choose to register using an email or your Facebook account. In either case you will need to verify the account with a phone number, which helps to ensure that people do not have multiple accounts.

Click here to see if you qualify for this free sample of Colgate Optic White toothpaste from Sampler!

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