Samsung Canada Trade Up and Save Promotion: Minimum of $200 Off Samsung Galaxy Note9

Trade up and Save at Samsung Canada! Trade in your old device and get a minimum of $200 off in addition to the trade-in value when you purchase a Samsung Galaxy Note9.

Purchase a Samsung Galaxy Note9 device between now and October 31, 2018 from a participating authorized Canadian carrier, retailer, Samsung Experience Store location, or at Samsung online during the offer period and, when you trade in your old phone, receive a minimum $200 off in addition to the trade-in value of your old phone. The minimum $200 credit is eligible for one traded-in old phone in connection with the purchase of one Samsung Galaxy Note9 device; i.e. two or more traded-in old phones cannot be combined towards a higher credit on the purchase of a Samsung Galaxy Note9, and can only be redeemed in one location. Proof of purchase required. While quantities last.

Click here for more information on this Samsung promotion. 

One response to “Samsung Canada Trade Up and Save Promotion: Minimum of $200 Off Samsung Galaxy Note9”

  1. Jeffery says:

    I went to bell mobility in Montreal.. the trade in value was 350$ o got $550… I didn’t understand why.. they just was a promotion.. bye bye note 8.. hello note 9!!


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