Sears Canada: Long Weekend Discount Coupon Codes


Heres some Sears saving codes for this weekend. (October 7-10th)

Spend $100 get $20 off 941612427

Spend $200 get $50 off  941612428

Also free to door shipping until the 10th as well. (I even had the $3 fee waived for my pick up in-store selection) Regular exclusions apply.

Click here to check out this weekends deals!

4 responses to “Sears Canada: Long Weekend Discount Coupon Codes”

  1. Dosmaster says:

    Tried to use $50 off when buying a washing machine. Didn’t work.

    “The order you have placed does not meet the requirements for the bonus coupon applied, Please either update your order to meet the requirements or remove the bonus coupon from your order.”

  2. dawn says:

    I just placed an order from 5 different catalogs and the code worked you have to place the order by phone and you can not use if the price ends in 97 .They had this same offer last month and I ordered from the wish book toys clothes ect and had no problems . you need to look at the fine print may not work with certain things .

  3. GOleafsGO says:

    I dont think it works with electronics or else it would have been a steal 🙁

  4. sfaraz says:

    three more codes for bonus points

    spend 50 $ get 500 points 941622090
    spend 150 get 1500 points 941622091
    sped 200 get 2000 points 941622092

    expire oct 31/2011


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