Sears Canada Online KitchenAid Offer: Save $150 Off KitchenAid Ultra Power Stand Mixer, Now $249.99


Sears Canada is currently offering an amazing price on the KitchenAid Ultra Power Stand Mixer (in Empire Red), as it is $150 off the regular retail price that Sears offers and, as far as I can tell, the lowest price you will be able to find online for a mixer of this make by KitchenAid. is also selling this same model for a reduced price, but it is still $30 more than the Sears price of $249.99 ( is selling theirs for $279.99).


This particular stand model from the KitchenAid mixer series is designed to go from whipping at a very high speed, to a very slow stir which is made possible by its 10-speed slide control. For bakers who know the fine balance between having perfectly stiff egg whites and over-whipped egg whites, this feature of being able to switch between two speeds easily is a vital importance.

The KitchenAid Stand Mixer will also come with attachments like a flat beater, a dough hook and a wire whip.

Sears Canada will also ship this model for free since it is above the $99 minimum requirement for free-shipping.

Click here to buy the KitchenAid Ultra Power Stand Mixer (in Empire Red) from Sears Canada online.

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