Second Cup Canada Latte Tuesdays Get a Medium Latte for $2.75

Canadian Deals & Coupons


Yeah cheap Lattes!  For a limited time (but they didn’t say how long) you can get a medium latte at Second Cup for only $2.75.  This promotion is running on Tuesdays and it is an all day sale.  You can have any kind of latte you want too.  Mmmm coffee goodness.

Thanks to AnnieP for posting this sale for us!

15 responses to “Second Cup Canada Latte Tuesdays Get a Medium Latte for $2.75”

  1. ssss says:

    what’s the range of the regular price of their lattes?

  2. king says:

    wonder if Chai Lattes are included – better than coffee!

  3. GalSavings says:

    Usually 4.10 I think with tax.

  4. Moureen says:

    i love it whenever starbucks or secondcup has these offers…i still remember last summer when starbucks had their frappachinos half price for like a month or something..

  5. mandee says:

    london fog.. yum!

  6. Samster says:

    What does london fog taste like, mandee?

  7. ssss says:

    oh that is a good deal!

  8. stylishghal says:

    I wonder if I can use my SPC card with this offer?

  9. mandee says:

    it’s pretty much an earl grey tea latte with vanilla syrup; brings out the bergamot i find (:

  10. allie says:

    the Ottawa second cup said they’re not running the promo – I guess it’s only in Toronto? Does anyone else know about other restrictions?

  11. PINKROSE says:

    they announced it on the radio today here in Montreal.

  12. Junkster says:

    I guess it is select stores or select cities… so far a no go in Ottawa.

  13. mimi says:

    TO answer couple of questions….Chai latte is not included in this offer as Chai latte cost more than Latte.

    SPC doesn’t work with this offer.

  14. king says:

    thanks mimi!

  15. Jen says:

    How do the cup sizes compare with Starbucks? Is it Starbucks Tall = Second Cup Small, or Starbucks Tall = Second Cup Medium?


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