@secondcup has brought back their Latte Tuesdays promo!
Every Tuesday from Feb 7/2012 until Mar 27/2012, you can purchase a Latte from Second Cup at a discounted price.
If you’re in…
Ontario: You can get a medium sized latte for just $2.95+tax
Another part of Canada: You can get a Large sized Latte for just $3.49+tax
Offer valid for Cappuccino, Cafè Latte, Flavoured Latte or Tea Latte.
Looks like I’ll be drinking London Fog’s every Tuesday for the next while 🙂
Find a café near you on their website.
Love the pic
Is is $2.49 or $2.95 in Ontario? Just wondering?
I’ve been waiting for this!!
But only for 2 months? /cry
what’s a london fog?
Treat time–if offer is good for chai latte, my February will have to include one!
@cee dot: It’s earl grey tea with vanilla syrup + steamed milk
Oh I miss Latte Tuesdays from Second cup. I just moved to Vancouver, and there are so few locations. So sad!
@Argentini – My mistake, it’s $2.95 + tax for those in Ontario
Y is there no second cup or starbucks on campus, uwo
@chloe –thanks. i’m a fan of their vanilla bean latte’s, so a london fog sounds right up my alley! looking forward to it.