Here is a Freebie everyone can enjoy! Well, everyone with an Android or Apple iOS device 🙂
You can currently download the Sega Game App “Crazy Taxi” for FREE!
Barrel through traffic packed streets and hurdle off the top of parking Garage roofs to get your way to crazy amounts of money from crazy customers!
The game Crazy Taxi by Sega is rated T for Teen. This offer is for a limited time only, so get it while it is hot! Enjoy 🙂
What a great find! I’ve loved this game ever since the arcade days (even before the DreamCast release). The fact that it has the original soundtrack featuring The Offspring and Bad Religion makes it even better (the PC port of Crazy Taxi some years back removed this soundtrack – chances are due to licensing issues). On my dual core 1.2 GHz phone with 768 MB of RAM the game is slightly choppy but playable. Unfortunately issues with the game locking up and hitching during menu transitions is rather frustrating. Nonetheless, a great find.
Almost forgot, using the Google Play Android Market on your Android device, you may not be able to find this game, however, using the Android link above that links to the Crazy Taxi Google Play page website allows you to sign in with your Google account there, and then send the app to your device to install.
Now 4.99