Sephora Canada: Choose 1 of 3 Makeup Bags Filled With 14 Samples – FREE With Any Online Purchase *Promo Code*

Sephora Canada is offer­ing a free make-up bag filled with 14 free sam­ples when you make anonline pur­chase of $35.

Shop online at and enter pro­mo­tion code LITTLELUXE at check­out and then choose one free bag from Sephora three free bags on this offer. See below for the list of Sephora 14 free samples:

4 responses to “Sephora Canada: Choose 1 of 3 Makeup Bags Filled With 14 Samples – FREE With Any Online Purchase *Promo Code*”

  1. Ama says:

    This promo is only for $35+ purchase

  2. Jenn says:

    You spelled the Code wrong. It has no extra “E” at the end. Also, the code “itkit” is a better code, has bigger samples in it.

  3. Carla says:

    Grr, the ‘it kit’ code is way better but I just ordered with the other code.

  4. magda says:

    if you please i want to know the dead line for this offer


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