September Canadian Living Magazine Coupons

Canadian Deals & Coupons

cdn-livingThanks to anner2050 for posting the coupons that are in this September’s issue of Canadian Living Magazine.

This is what’s inside:

$2-any Disney Vitamin Product-Oct 15th
$2-any St Ives Elements-Jan 30th
$1-Campbells Easy Cooking Sauce-March 30th
$2-Hartz Crunch n’ Clean-Oct 15th
$.50-Dole Baby Romaine Salad-Sept 30th
$1-any 3 Clover Leaf Flaked Light Flavored Tuna 85g-June 30th
$.50-any jar of Dole Fruit 540ml-June 30th
$.75-any Renees Product-Sept 30th, 2010

So if these coupons interest you, run to your closest newsstand and get your copy of Canadian Living today!

3 responses to “September Canadian Living Magazine Coupons”

  1. avoncallingu says:

    Thanks, I have a subscription but rarely see coupons. I’ll read this when it comes in for sure!

  2. Divine~Miss~M says:

    Out West we didn’t get all the coupons.
    $2-any Disney Vitamin Product-Oct 15th
    $2-any St Ives Elements-Jan 30th
    $1-Campbells Easy Cooking Sauce-March 30th
    $2-Hartz Crunch n’ Clean-Oct 15th
    and maybe one other.

  3. Robin says:

    hmm . . . I didn’t think I got all those. Why do we westerners always get less coupies? I guess ’cause we have London Drugs!


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