If you were not lucky enough to stock up on gas during the recent gas wars sales in various cities, make your own sale on gas with this Esso deal from Shop.ca.
Get five $100 Esso gift cards for just $450 plus earn up to 500 Aeroplan miles when you enter promo code Esso50 at checkout. This offer is available to Shop.ca members until tomorrow night or while supplies last and cannot be combined with other coupons or cashback offers.
Your $500 in Esso gift cards will be mailed within 10 business days and take 5-7 days to arrive. They are regular physical gift cards, so you will earn Esso Extra points and can use them for gas or other purchases in Esso convenience stores.
There is a limit of one deal per household and last time they offered these discount gift cards, you had to activate them online to confirm you received them before you could use them. Click here to buy $500 in Esso gift cards for $450.
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