Shoppers Drug Mar Canada Get $20 Future Shop Gift Card with $75 Purchase

Canadian Deals & Coupons


Thanks to Tripsplanner for this heads up.

This coming weekend (Aug 29 & 30) spend $75 at Shoppers Drug Mart and get a $20 gift card for your next purchase at Future Shop.  I love these deals, it’s like getting free stuff and you get the optimum points too.

4 responses to “Shoppers Drug Mar Canada Get $20 Future Shop Gift Card with $75 Purchase”

  1. Princess_Gwenie says:

    SDM always advertises these things badly. It’s not really a gift card; it’s really a coupon. If you purchase something less than $20, you lose the remaining value of the coupon. Also, there is always an expiry date. That said, it’s a great deal!!

  2. Wayne says:

    Does anyone know when the next 20 times Optimum event is? I thought they might have one with it being back to school time.

  3. Momar says:

    Is there any way I can use more than one of these coupons at a time when I redeem at Future Shop? If not, can I use them to buy several gift cards?

  4. Laura says:

    Yes, it’s on Saturday, September 5th. 🙂


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