Get a free Shoppers optimum 2,000 bonus points plus personalized offers when you update your optimum profile at Shoppers Drug Mart online! Enter promo code 3939 before you submit. This Shoppers Drug Mart bonus offer is valid until until Friday, September 27, 2013.
Click here to get Shoppers Drug Mart optimum bonus points
Hmmm…says my account is locked?!?
it wont give me the points
can we do this if we did the last one?
The points aren’t automatic. You will receive an email letting you know when the points will be added.
I’ve done it before, but decided to try again. I got an email saying I’ll get the points – if I don’t, no biggie, at least I tried in case I can get the points.
Hi there: Today is 09/23/2013 & I’ve “tried” SEVERAL times to receive my Free Shoppers 2,000 Bonus Points…with NO success! It tells me to enter the Promo Code 3939 “before” I click on Submit. After up-dating my personal information….there was “NO” place to enter the 3939 Promo Code! I’ve exhausted ALL my attempts, so, some HELP here will be most definitely appreciated as I don’t want to miss out on these 2,000 Bonus Points!! Maybe, others are having problems too ? Thank-you, in advance, for your speedy resolution!!! Have a GREAT day Liz
I think you don’t get these if you already did the last one…and I had to call to get the points anyways. If anyone gets it please let me know and I will try again!
I’ve done it the last time and received the points. I just tried it again and just received an email saying thanks for updating and that my account should receive 2000 point in October. So all is good, hopefully 🙂
I did the last one and received the points. I did it again and just received an email saying thanks and that my account will receive 2000 points October 27th
im trying to create my account and it keeps telling me my DOB/postal code/security word are invalid. Any idea whats up with that?
Tasha, many of the other people who had that issue had to call to get their accounts fixed
Did you just recently signed up for the Optimum program? When I signed up last year, it took a couple of weeks to a month until my account number was actually registered to the website so I could create an account
Thanks for posting.
Thanks @anne and @fallenpixels, I did just sign up recently, so that’s probably the problem!
@ Lindsey:
It’s telling me the same thing. Account has been locked & to please try again after some time.