Tomorrow, January the 17th, and Saturday, January the 18th, get 20x the PC Optimum points at Shoppers Drug Mart Canada. You will find your personal offers in your app, and it will specify the amount that you need to spend. The Cineplex movie ticket offer is available on Sunday, January the 19th, and when you spend $75 or more you will receive two Cineplex move tickets.
There is a two day this weekend, are here are some of the items included in the sale:
- No Name Butter $4.99
- Dozen Eggs $3.49
- PC Frozen Fruit $4.49
- Wonder Bread $2.49
- No Name Peanut Butter $3.99
- Lantic Sugar $2.99
- Ensure $11.99
- No Name Bacon $3.99
- Get 15,000 PC Optimum points when you purchase a $125 Ultimate Choice Gift Card
- 6pk Coke or Pepsi $3.99
- PC Bathroom Tissue $6.99
- Neilson Chocolate Milk $1.29
- Christie Cookies or Crackers 2/$5
- Tostitos or Ruffles 2/$7.50
- Tide or Downy $10.99
- Royale Facial Tissue 6pk $6.99
- Bounty Paper Towels $5.99
- Aveeno Lotion $10.99
- Crest or Colgate Toothpaste .99
Click here for this week’s Shoppers Drug Mart Canada flyer.