Shoppers Drug Mart Canada: 99 Cent Purex After Coupon *Two Day Sale, Ends Today*


There is a great deal on laundry detergent today, the final day of a two day sale at Shopper’s Drug Mart Canada. The advertised price for Pure laundry detergent is $2.99 for the 1.47L bottle.

If you were able to pick up the Walmart Live Better ,magazine from last month, then you will have a coupon between the pages of that magazine, for $2 off the purchase off any one Purex Oxi Plus laundry detergent. Shoppers Drug Mart does carry the Oxi Plus variety of the Purex, and it is included in the sale price of $2.99. Use your $2 coupon and pay just 99 cents for the detergent.

There is a limit of four per transaction, and the after limit price, and rest of week price is $3.99. If you are unable to pick up the Purex today then keep those coupons handy as Shoppers Drug Mart frequently has the Purex on sale for this price as part of one day and two day sales.

Click here to view the Shoppers Drug Mart flyer.

One response to “Shoppers Drug Mart Canada: 99 Cent Purex After Coupon *Two Day Sale, Ends Today*”

  1. Erika says:

    Purex Oxi and Purex Oxi Plus are two different products. The Purex Oxi Plus is a new product out which is what the $2 coupons are for and any of these I’ve seen in store are not the 1.47L size. Please be sure to remind people to be check that they are buying the correct product with their coupons first as I’m quite certain the ones on sale for $2.99 at Shoppers are the Purex Oxi, not Purex Oxi Plus, so they wouldn’t be able to use the coupons on these.


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