This upcoming weekend at Shoppers Drug Mart Canada get 20,000 PC Optimum points with a loadable offer. To earn these points you will find an offer that you can use in your app. The offer will appear on Thursday along with your new offers, and you will then be able to see how much you are required to spend. The required spend amount will be $60 or more and will vary by account.
There is a two day sale this weekend as well, and here are some of the included items:
- PC Spring Water $2.29
- Red Rose Tea or Maxwell House Coffee 2/$6
- Ruffles or Tostitos 2/$6
- Christie Cookies or Crackers 2/$4
- Coke or Pepsi 6pk 2/$6
- Purex or Fleecy $3.49
- Bounty Paper Towels $5.49
- Dozen Eggs $3.19
- No Name Butter $4.29
- No Name Bacon $4.99
- Wonder Bread $2.49
There is also a gift card offer in the flyer. All week, you will get 5,000 PC Optimum points for every $50 that you spend on OLG gift cards. The points will appear in your app in 2-4 weeks, so keep your receipts in case you have to do a points inquiry.
Click here to view the upcoming flyer.