As most Shoppers Drug Mart couponers know, each store is individually owned and thus, we come across different coupon policies and acceptance rules. Well, here is the Official Coupon Policy as posted on their Facebook page. I printed this and will keep it in my coupon holder. The most significant change in my opinion is the section which states that manufacturer’s coupons, including Free Product Coupons, will now count towards the total during promos such as 20x points. Another point of interest to me is that Internet coupons are officially accepted. My local store has a printed sign on their tills that they do NOT accept Internet coupons. I wonder what they’ll say when I present this Official Coupon Policy? I personally have not been shopping there as much as I used to due to various changes and issues I’ve read that others have experienced. What are your personal thoughts about this?
I think the members that had points taken away because they used coupons should get there points back. I also think shoppers should give everyone points back and write a notice that BP coupons and Bp products can not be combined from now on. I really think though that they have been reading there face book page.
I have had no issues with the acceptance of Internet Coupons at the locations I frequent and the two notable changes you’ve shared are in the customer’s favor, so Shopper’s should see an increase in sales, as a result. Personally, I find great value in doing as much shopping as possible at Shopper’s and try to do my shopping only when the rewards are high. Like you, I am also going to read the Official Coupon Policy in it’s entirety and print it off for future reference, should the need arise. Thanks for the share!
WOO HOO LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! About time they included FPC’s for bonus points days – CAN’T WAIT – thanks
This is great news. I am lucky. I have had no issues with coupons at my location. 🙂
I’ve never had a problem using internet coupons, either, at the several locations here.
I was disappointed when I read last week that bonus points would not be added in anymore during 20x points days however I think that the fact that FPC now count toward the total purchase price is a way better opportunity for us to rack these points.
Don’t like the fact that the cashier has to call a supervisor when the $15 coupon limit has been reached.
I just re-read the policy and I think a supervisor has to be called if you have one $15 coupon, not at total of $15 in coupons.
The reason why they are not accepting some internet coupons as they are not getting paid for them when they send them to the companies in questions. But the majority of coupons I use I have not had a problem.
Awesome! i might actually take part in more points events now!!:)
Luv that FPCs will count towards total $$ spent on 20x days. Wonder if this also means cpns will count towards min. for other bonus offers such as GC wus $$xx? Also wonder when this takes effect. Hope ppl will post when they actually receive pts on FPC.
I used FPC’s for the John Freida at shoppers last week and did not receive the bonus points. As far as calling a manager for a $15 coupon limit that is standard procedure in retail stores as a lot of cashiers do not have security clearance to do a larger negative transaction.
question — if something is on sale and the product has one of those $1 off managers coupon on it, is the $1 taken off the sale price or the regular price?
i’m asking cause they have always in the past taken it off the sale price, however this past weekend they said it needs to be taken off the regular price.
I thought this part was interesting too (regarding using a manufacturer cheque – ie pediasure, ensure, similac)Could get interesting with the right sale/clearance.
A Shoppers Drug Mart Gift Card must be given if cheque amount exceeds purchase price
Still won’t shop there… can’t walk in the doors as the perfume etc it way too strong. They need to change their store design, and stop giving me flak for entering the exit (as I can’t breathe going through the perfume).
Yea I hate that our local store (I live right near Irefusetopayfullprice) has that posting about printed coupons, went to use one the other day but obviously couldn’t, had to wait until I drove over to another location. Booo!
Those baby milk powder check are consider as check. All manufacturer coupons as long as it’s for Canada. One way to identify is, there’s a small print To the Dealer that has an address to a p o box number at Saint John, New Brunswick. Regardless, there’s no cash value for either one. Customers do not get back change. E.g. If a toothpaste is on sale for 99 cents, you got a $3 coupon for the exact item that say normally retail for $3.49, the cashier will only punch in .99 cents coupon.
Shoppers Drug Mart is the worst greediest company I have ever seen! They do not care about the customers and customer service is not in their agenda at all. Everything is over priced. I won’t give them my money ever!
@leah-yes, I have noticed all new format stores have a mandatory entrance that makes customers walk through the cosmetics area first. Heavy way to introduce the expensive merchandise to each person coming into the store.
Something like allergies should have been considered when some patrons use the exit doors to enter but for a store selling “health”, that consideration seems not to have occurred to staff.
I have to disagree with Lulu. I like Shoppers because they pay their staff a decent wage once they have a few years senority built up but also because they have a good selection of health care products -which is why they are a drug store .Groceries are a bonus, at the ones that carry them, but do add to their bottom line.Thanks for posting the coupon policy. It helps keep me organized to know them. I’ve never had a problem with them at Shoppers.
Dina….the managers coupons are taken off the sale price. I have received a few free items with those coupons.
Thank you so much!!! I’m going to print this policy out. Hopefully I have no problems, because I’ve always had points taken away when using FPCs. I’ve had a couple of times where some managers refused FPCs on certain products – even though the coupon states the word “any (brandname) product”. Luckily in Toronto, there are many SDMs.
I have had to worst experience at my local shoppers when trying to use coupons. They refuse to take the formula cheques. They also look at me like I have 4 heads when I try to use any sort of coupon. It’s as though they have been told to make it difficult for people using any sort of coupon. I’ve also been told by the cashier that works their regularly that they are no longer taking returns. I’ve tried calling head office but it’s impossible to get a hold of anyone there. Ridiculous
Anyone else have issues with not being allowed to use coupons on clearance items? My store even has a sign printed stating this.
I only got 20X the points on the amount I paid (46$) and not the amount before FPCs. So is it normal to get 20X the point even if you pay under 50$ but just get 20X points on amount actually paid?
link doesn’t work
Yea, the link doesn’t work… have they delete it? Does anyone have it saved and can post it on SC, please?
I went to shoppers drug mart at Markham and Sheppard in Scarborough, Toronto today and felt discriminated for using coupons.I went to pick up GrennWorks Products that they had on sale for $1.99, for which i had $1.50 coupons for them and was told that i could not use all of my coupons as their new policy is that only 1 coupon per purchase per trip. I felt that they are discriminating against people who use coupons. If i was buying the items and not using any coupons i could have bought them but since i was using coupons i was not allowed,I even offered to put half of the products back since they said also that i clean there shelf off, which is stupid since they are getting the money back from the manufacture.I then took my coupons to walmart and pricematch the item and got 15 bottles of greenworks product with no questions aked. Its ashamed that a canadian company turn its customer away and lost one to an american company which was happy to accepted my coupons.
A similar thing happened to me at the Shoppers Drug Mart on chinquacousy road in Brampton when I tried to use an internet coupon; all of a sudden for the first time EVER, the cashier told me they no longer accepted internet coupons. I think I’ll be taking my business elsewhere…..