Shoppers Drug Mart/Pharmaprix Canada: Free Dove Deodorant After Coupon August 9th – 15th


It’s not often there is a free item after coupons at Shoppers Drug Mart, but here is one to take advantage of in the upcoming flyer. The Pharmaprix flyer for the week of August the 9th to the 15th has Dove deodorant advertised for 2for $4. There is a printable coupon for $2 off the purchase of any Dove deodorant, which can be found here. This is a SmartSource coupon, so you will be able to print two coupons per computer.

This is a Pharmaprix ad, so it’s likely that this will be the price in the Shoppers Drug Mart flyer as well. Also, note that the ad does specify the single price of $2 each, underneath where it says 2/$4, so you should have no problem price matching at Target or Walmart if you prefer to purchase the deodorant there.

Click here to view the Pharmaprix flyer for the week of August the 9th to the 15th.

One response to “Shoppers Drug Mart/Pharmaprix Canada: Free Dove Deodorant After Coupon August 9th – 15th”

  1. Cheryl says:

    Thanks Anne!! 😀


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