Still paying monthly fees to bank? You deserve better. Become a new Simplii FinancialTM client and ditch the monthly fees… and get paid while doing it. New clients can get up to $200 when opening a No Fee Chequing Account. Everyday banking you can count on:
- No monthly or minimum balance needed
- Free access to all CIBC ATMs across Canada
- Unlimited debit purchases, bill payments and withdrawals
- Send free, unlimited Interac e-Transfer® transactions
To get your $150 cash bonus, set up an eligible payroll or pension direct deposit to your No Fee Chequing Account and receive at least $100 a month for 3 consecutive months. To get your $50 cash bonus, set up 3 monthly recurring transfers of at least $50 to your High Interest Savings Account from your chequing account.
Click here for more information on this Simplii Financial offer.