Thank you for all the wonderful and enjoyable memories posted during week 1 of the contest. I truly enjoyed reading each and every one and I could personally relate to many of these memories. If you haven’t read the wonderful memories posted in week 1 of the contest click here to read the superb entries.
This week’s contest is much less emotional and more materialistic; Not as enjoyable as week 1’s contest but will hopefully be very useful. Let us know of tips and tricks or little things that you do to save money. It may be in home maintenance, shopping, the way you manage your money, coupon’ing tips, lifestyle changes, or anything at all. Enter the contest by leaving a comment with your saving tips. 3 entries per person max.
Winners So Far
- May 7 Winner: Week 1 Post 109 by Kitty
- May 8 Winner: Week 1 Post 105 by Connie Walsh
- May 9 Winner: Week 1 Post 25 by Maybe
- May 10 Winner: Week 1 Post 139 by Ivan
- May 11 Winner: Week 1 post 93 by vibrantflame
- May 12 Winner: Week 1 Post 104 by couponmom
- May 13 Winner: Week 1 Post 192 by Mommy of 3
- May 14 Winner: Week 2 Post 104 by FreebieChick
- May 15 Winner: Week 2 Post 106 FunShopper
- May 16 Winner: Week 2 Post 28 by Tammy Hynes
- May 17 Winner: Week 2 Post 4 by mummyto2
- May 18 Winner: Week 2 Post 161 by Nancy
- May 19 Winner: Week 2 Post 41 by layniejoy
- May 20 Winner: Week 2 Post 1 by Ann
Winners Please send an email to [email protected] with “Date X Winner” in the subject, e.g. “May 12 Winner”. Let us know whether you’d prefer a gift card (and list some preferences) or paypal and the neccessary info to have the gift sent.
I’ll be giving away a $10 Gift Card or PayPal cash daily for the next few months. Everyday we’ll have a different winner (you cannot win more than once). This means that we’ll have over 100 different winners so you have an excellent chance of winning.
Here’s how the contest will work: Every week we’ll have a new discussion topic. You can enter the contest by leaving comments and participating in the discussion. You’re allowed a maximum of 3 entries per week but you are more than welcome to post more than 3 comments if you’re enjoying the discussion (they will count as 3). Any spammy comments that don’t add true value to the discussion will not be included as contest entries.
Everyday (at no particular time because my schedule is pretty hectic) a winner will be randomly chosen.The winner will be chosen from all entries since the beginning of that week’s contest. So you may have left a comment on Day 1 and you could still win on Day 5. The winner can choose a gift card for a national store like Shoppers Drug Mart, Loblaws, Tim Hortons, MasterCard cash card, etc. or cash via PayPal.
A few more quick points…
I’m looking for sponsors
If you own or work at a company or in Marketing/PR and are interested in sponsoring a day or week of my contest I’d really appreciate that! Please email me at smartcanucks at gmail dot com.
How am I affording to pay for this?
I’ll be paying for this using the money I made from GoogleAds mainly. Hopefully I can get a few sponsors too.
Is this the same as the contest running on Smart Canucks Forum?
No, it is different.
Now onto the contest… 😀
This week’s contest is much less emotional and more materialistic; Not as enjoyable as week 1’s contest but will hopefully be very useful. Let us know of tips and tricks or little things that you do to save money. It may be in home maintenance, shopping, management your money, coupon’ing tips, lifestyle, or anything at all. 3 entries per person max.
Contest info: New $10 gift card or paypal winner chosen daily.
I always get my mom and her friends coupon flyers from the weekend newspaper. They don’t use theirs, so I get extras to use or to trade here on Smart Canucks.
I decided that any amount of coupon saving I got I would take the equal amount of change and drop it in my ‘big idea’ jar. So 35 cent coupon meant 35 cents in the jar. At the beginning of the year my husband and I decided Florida looked really good (and warm) for Chritmas–you should see how many coupons he now clips and uses!
shop at thrift stores for childrens clothes especially baby/toddler clothes. they are hardly worn and look brand new. Also have great toys there that you can just disinfect and they are good to go 🙂
instead of renting video games/movies our family gets them from the library. They have all the new releases that the video store would. You may have to wait a few weeks to get it but still its saves you money
This year my husband and I decided to to play a money saving game along with our favourite NHL Team. For every game they won and earned 2 points, we each put $2 in a jar, $1 for every one point they earned and $1 for point earned by a player that we are related to on the team. It was spare change that we had hanging around so we didn’t miss it. At the end of the season we had over $250! Since we were re-doing our patio this money came in really handly and paid a nice chunk of it!
I buy all my kids clothes at the end of the season for the next season. I save a ton of money!!
I find it far too easy to spend change on little things so every toonie that I get goes into a jar. I started this six months ago and have already saved up $100. It felt like found money 🙂
There are a number of money saving tips, here are a few:
1) always, always clip coupons for products you use, then every friday look at what is on sale in the flyers and see which products you also have coupons for, many times you can the product for free or very cheap!
2) when eating out at food courts, until the new harmonized tax comes into effect, look for menu items/meals that are 3.99 or less, in which case you only pay one tax, as soon as the total is >=4.00, you pay both taxes.
3) instead of eating in a restaurant, consider takeout instead. Saving you the cost of a drink(s) (even if it is a pop, the $2.50 adds up) and the tip. ie. eating out for 2 people in a restaurant:
$15.00 entree x 2
$2.50 pop x 2
total: $35.00 * 1.13 + $35.00(.15) = $44.80
whereas with takeout: $30(1.13) = $33.90!! on top of which, many places even offer a 10% discount on pick up orders!!
Imagine the savings!!
Don’t subscribe to anything if you don’t have to. We humans often overestimate on how much we will enjoy something in the future. Paying a la cart at the gym might seem expensive, but you are likely to be better off than getting a full membership.
my money saving tip is to reuse, reuse, reuse! in our family we have a lot of small children so we pass on everything that our kids have outgrown to the next kid in the line. obviously some stuff gets bought new but then we try to get it on discount. my aunt has 8 kids (1 more on the way) so she’s become a pro at this lol
I borrow movies from the library instead of renting them. Another good way to save money is to find out which magazines friends and family purchase. Get together and trade magazines at the end of the month…works wonders in my family.
Focus on cutting back on recurring expenses. Negotiate with phone company, negotiate insurance rate, negotiate rent (especially times like this!), get a better rate on credit card, disconnect cable (good shows are on the internet anyway), discontinue newspaper/magazine subscription…
This way, you can save over $1000 a year in a day’s work.
Always save money first! Don’t save the leftover money after you spend, make it a habit to put money away when you deposit paycheck. Better yet, make it a recurring deposit to an online bank like PC or ING so that you can’t spend them money so easily.
And of course, I always check out before I buy anything! 😉
I get together with a group of friends and we share everything from coupons to swapping clothes. This helps us save money when we shop and also gives us what appears to be a new wardrobe. We cut back on our cable and do more free activities together.
I love anything to do with coupons. I am constantly writing letters to companies, about their products, and for the most part, they respond by sending me a couple of High Value coupons for their products. I also share these coupons with my daughter. I look for coupons and deals that will benefit us both and she does the same. We are sending coupons back and forth between us at least once a week in the mail.(We live in different parts of Ontario) I try to use coupons on as much as I can, and my husband is thrilled. I put the money that I saved from the coupons, into a jar for a vacation for my husband and I. That gives me something to look forward to.
When the food flyers come out plan a list of what items are on sale that you need, bring along the corresponding coupons and get all of your grocery shopping done in one trip. The more times you go to the store the more you are likely to spend on things you don’t really need. Meal plan for the week so you know exactly what to buy. I also try to get there early in the morning as oftern there are meats 50% that they are trying to clear out. Also, sticking to a cash budget makes it easier to track how much you are spending as opposed to getting a nasty credit card bill that added up much too quickly.
1.OPEN A savings account which is difficult to access and make auto deposit and deposit 20% of your monthly check in it. Then forget about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Uncle is Job less for 5 years now and his family is getting by that 20% saved and of course being very very thrifty!
2.We in our household write down our everyday expenses even if its a dollar , save our receipts and also write how did we paid for them . We check our Credit card bills every month or so and every 3 months me and hubby sit down and analyse where we can cut back or are overspending.
3. As soon as your kids learn about money start giving them pocket money , then tell them clearly when you will buy stuff for them like their birthday , Christmas or some other special occasions and if they want something else apart from those days they have to pay for it.First thing this will solve is the question”can I have this / can you buy this for me” when you go shopping with kids.this will teach kids to be thrifty as they tend to think twice before spending their money and this will teach them about money too . tip: do not interfere if your kid decieds to buy something with his/her money , remember this 2 $ which he / she spend on junk will teach him/ her big things!
When you think a container (dishwasher detergent or shampoo for instance) is empty stand it upside down for a day or so & you’ll be surprised at how much was really left.
I have a piggy bank on my dresser. We put any $1 or $2 coins we have after shopping in the pig. At the end of the year we separate & roll the coins & deposit in a high-interest savings account. Our roof will need replacing in a few years & a good chunk of the money necessary will be there.
I buy alot of fresh fruit when they are in season and on sale and I freeze it so it will last months for my daily smoothies.
Everytime I finish shopping, I always put my loonies, toonies and quarters in a jar. Always. It forces you to save money but it’s such a simple gesture that you hardly even notice you’re doing it. It’s amazing how much you can save even after one month, let alone one year!
I use cloth diapers with my little guy to save $ and garbage in the landfill, and I use vinegar/water to clean almost everything around the house.
I don’t eat out alot because I find recipes online for my favorite meals from my favorite restaurants. It saves on going to the restaurant, waiting in line to sit down, tips, drinks and you don’t get overportions that they usually serve so you’ll lose weight. It’s just better to learn how to do it yourself sometimes and not rely on someone else doing it….. because knowing is half the battle.
If you can do it yourself – you will save alot of money! e.g dying your own hair vs going to an expensive salon, shredding your own cheese vs buying the bagged shredded cheese, do your own baking. Try and shop once a week – saves time, gas, and you aren’t tempted to make impulse purchases! ALWAYS shop with a grocery list.
I like to stock pile non-perishable items when they are on sale so I will have them for at least a year.
One way I save money is to install low flow shower heads and low flow toilets when doing your doing your next renovation, you really don’t notice a difference but use less water.
A few years ago I decided to save all of my small change. It’s not the most effective for people who don’t deal a lot in cash, but at work over the summer we do so many coffee runs that there are always tons of coins lying around. I just made a deal with myself not to spend anything smaller than a quarter, and to take all of those unspent coins, at the end of each day, and put them in a savings jar. It’s mad money more than anything else, but every few months I go out and spend it to buy myself a little something that I’ve been lusting after. It’s my way of rewarding myself for being very self-disciplined about my spending (:
I always check the clearance isles in stores for discounted items. I find the drug stores (Shoppers and Rexall) are great for having marked down items all piled up in one area. Sometimes you can save a lot of money of stuff they are trying to clear out.
I love saving money, I have so many tips…I like to double up on coupons and other bonuses. For example I’ll buy some items at the shoppers that are on sale, plus I’ll use my smart save coupons, plus I’ll use my PC card to pay and get points, plus I’ll use my optimum card for points plus I’ll go on the days where Shoppers has a deal like spend $50, get a $10 gift card for free. All those added together = big savings on one shopping trip.
I also participate in a lot of product swaps with people on the forum for the cosmetic company from which I buy all of my grooming products. Every month there are a couple of swaps wherein people pass on the things that they aren’t using, and in return get things they do use (we check each other’s wishlists to ensure that we’re not sending things that they won’t use either). It’s a great way to share and declutter (without waste), while exchanging for useful products!
1 – About a year ago my boyfriend and I started taking lunch to work. It has saved an amazing amount of money compared to picking up something (even something cheap.) It takes a while to get into the habit, and I always have to know the night before what it’s going to be or it’s too time consuming, but now I try to make more dinner and leftovers just get thrown in tupperwear for the next day to re-heat at the office. Easily the biggest money saving thing I’ve ever done.
2 – If you have that payment protection insurance on any credit card, and you carry ANY balance, get rid of it today. It is 1% of your monthly balance added to statement, and if you read the fine print, it doesn’t protect you from much. If you have this on a card you are paying 12% more a year than you have to.
This tip seems a bit silly at first but it makes sense…stop going out shopping all the time. I really find that if you go out less for things and co-ordinate your shopping into one or two trips a week max, you spend less money. Face it, we all end up buying those little add on items each time we shop somewhere right, those can’t be passed up deals or those all enticing promotions near the check out…stuff we probably didn’t really need but buy anyway. So, if you go out less times by planning your shopping “needs only” trips, you get suckered into to buying those little extras less times…over the months and years that adds up to more money in your pocket!
To save money, my sisters and I shop Costco – we split the membership between us and we do our bulk shopping for items that we can split (no one family needs 4 litres of ketchup!) as well as anything we need ourselves (diapers and wet wipes). Grocery store is really only for perishable produce.
Also, buy meat in bulk – this is one that keeps coming up. When the meat is on sale, buy in bulk and separate it at home. With a family of 5, this has helped save on everything – especially chicken!…the kids like to pick a recipe and we have our own ‘home restaurant’ night complete with video and popcorn – the savings just keep adding up!
Instead of shopping at the garden store, I ask for small clippings from plants I like from neighbors, and friends. It saves a ton of money.
Since I live on a very limited budget, I only do my shopping once a month and get everything I need then, I try to stock pile things on sale that I know I will need. By doing this, I’m sometimes able to get away with filling my gas tank up twice a month. It’s pretty nice since I’m a student and most of my money goes to my education. I also try to get used text books, and sell them back at the end of the year, or when I’m printing notes, I print on both sides of the paper.
If you are like I was, and stuck with a high interest rate on your mortgage because of renewing just before the huge drop in the economy, call your mortgage company. Ask them what your penalty to leave your mortgage would be, ask them what the savings over the term of your mortgage would be at the present rate. Your penalty may be too high, but banks are instantly willing to give you a blended interest rate, which is the average of your present interest rate and what the going Canadian interest rate, and they will do this for about $100. If your penalty is not to high it may be worth your while to pay the penalty and renew your mortgage at the newer MUCH lower rates.
I live in an apartment building, and our building manager is very fussy about keeping our lobby and mail areas tidy. He tosses all of the flyers in the recycling the morning after they arrive. So, since I know the schedule of the flyer deliveries, I try to go down and check what’s left late each night, so that I can take any leftover coupons before they’re trashed.
I drive a small car. Driving about 100 kms per day, saves me tons of money on gas (not to mention carbon emmissions). I used to have an SUV (not a huge one, but still hard on gas), and it is amazing the difference on the pocketbook, and the environment!!
Like happymom, I also buy meats in bulk when they are on sale. Separate them into meal size portions when you get home and wrap them in freezer paper. Depending on the type of meat they can stay fresh with no freezer burn for up to a year. I find freezer paper is cheaper and works better than those food sealer machines which you have to buy bags for. Also, you can easily write the contents and date on the paper.
As a new home owner as of this year, my money saving tip is to accept every item you are offered from family and friends. Even if you don’t like the look of the item when it’s handed to you, you will be surprised how easily you can change the appearence of items (I always make sure it’s ok with the gifter before I change anything). Make it work!
As soon as the weather turns above zero– I try to walk everywhere! I invested in a good pair of shoes and have tried to walk/bike instead of taking the transit! By doing this I save around $30 a week! Of course it only really works if you live in the city where things are relatively close…
Don’t carry cash on you.. You’ll be much less likely to buy things spontaneously like coffee, snacks, etc..
When it comes to household cleaners– instead of buying expensive products use vinegar and baking soda! Vinegar is a great cleaner and disinfectant– and baking soda is a great odour eliminator.. Not only are these products cheaper and better for the environment but they are also safer if you have pets or children..
I drive a fuel-efficient Honda civic and try to combine as many errands as possible per outing. Also, the cost of fuel has inspired me to walk more!
I save money, burn extra calories, and enjoy the weather on a nice sunny day while doing errands.
1)I was taught long ago to “pay yourself first” whenever we get paid, 10% automatically goes into a savings account(with no access via debit card). That’s first and foremost.
2)I only shop for items I need AFTER scouring the flyers, writing out a list, and using coupons with price-matching.
3)Turn your heat down at night and turn off all un-necessary electricity, such as your computer or entertainment center..we have saved on Hydro by doing this because even if they are plugged in at night, they draw power.
4) Set aside an allowance and try to stick by it. It’s amazing how much you overspend on daily things like a drive-thru or coffee out if you don’t have a budget.
Actually combining shoppers optimum with coupons as well as all the high point days is huge. Plus remember to always buy your gift card first as it will only take you $500 for the year to be a plus member instead of $1000 after that they keep tossing stuff at you it seems. Always try to cash out on the higher cashout days if possible and at the higher amount. I buy all the little guys video games for his Wii or Ps 2 so his xmas shopping gets done for ZERO. Also if you pay it off each month the new credit card is awesome.
When shopping online I tend to compare prices with competitors before making my decision. Using tools such as Shopbot or PriceCanada has become a ritual for me before making a purchase! Also remember to use cashback features to get the most money out of your purchase!
I had lots of siblings growing up and so I realised that babies poop all the time, stain everything and grow fast. When I found out I was pregnant I did not mind getting used stuff. I started my collection at three months of pregnancy. I did not really have to buy anything for my daughter due to craigs list…the crib, the clothes, her stroller, her diaper bin, the bibs, a million hats, about 100 books were all free. I even got a few free maternity clothes. I bought cloth diapers (20 bucks on craigs list), her mattress (20 dollars on sale at zellers), and a couple glass bottles. She’s got fabulous stuff. I think you never have to buy baby stuff if you start in advance since they go through stuff so quickly lots of people need to clean house. To be fair I give a lot away on craigs list too.
If you have credit card debt, go to the bank and tell them you want to consolodate your cards onto a line of credit. This will save you big bucks in interest and actually allow you to begin to pay off the debt. Next go cash only. No debit or credit cards allowed. Now set-up two no-fee accounts with PC Financial (close any accounts that have bank fees). Have your paychecks go into one account and bills come out of the other. Figure out your monthly bills cost (debt payments, cell phones, power, rent) and divide it by two (if you get paid bi-weekly). Transfer this amount to the bills account as soon as you get paid. At the end of the year you will have forced savings of one months worth of bills!
Next set your budget for the week based on how much you have left after you pay the bills, debt, and if you can, some savings (we do a TFSA). Take the cash out at the beginning of the week and divide it into a couple jars (groceries, entertainment, gas, etc.). Knowing how much you have to spend on each type of expenditure will get you closer in touch with your money, plus it’s a lot harder to make foolish purchases when you actually have to hand over the dough.
We’ve been doing this since Christmas, and although it’s hard sometimes, you’ll find out you can live quite well and still spend a lot less than you think.
Here’s the best tip I have. I put in a large veggie/herb garden every year and I used to always end up with far more than I could use of things like zucchini. My neighbor was in the same situation. So we co-ordinated with 3 other friends so that each of us specializes in a limited number of plants — e.g. I grow green pepper because I’m good at it or maybe my soil is right — and my neighbor grows green beans because she has the patient to put up trellises. When we get huge crops in, we spread out the extra so that everyone gets a goodly supply to can, freeze or whatever. Gardening is easier, the volume of crops is better, we have some fun, no one wastes zucchini anymore. this may seem like a savings tip for summer but I used the preserved veggies, herbs and some fruit all last winter. So…my tip is to get together with some friends (in my case 4 — or 5 counting me) to grow whatever each person enjoys the most and is good at….then share when bags and bags of it gets ripe.
I go by this list that I found online a while back….I have added what I do personally to save.!!
Shop with a list! – I email my list to my phone eveytime I go shopping
Check & Replace Air Filters – I set up reoccuring meting request in my calendar to I remember
Say NO to Checking Account Fees – Changed my accounts to PC
Reduce Credit Card Interest Rates – Called them up and told them I was going to transfer my account..then qualified me on the stop for a lower interst rate.
Paying off Auto Loans – paid off
Cut Water Heating Bills – Wash all my clothes in cold water
Check Your Telephone Service – Switched phone companies
Save Money on Your Laundry – bought Javex liquid detergent at Dollarama for $2. took all they had..40 bottles.
Free Family Activities at the Library – Bring my daughter every week. She loves the computer games…keep her bust for hours.
Pack School Lunches – Always
Wash and Dry at Night – Hang dry 90% of my laundry
Cook with Two Meals in Mind – Always cook exrta and portion of 2-3 complte meals and put in the freezer
Stay Away From Fast Food Restaurants – Go maybe 1-2 a month and even then I have coupons.
Power of Coupons – Always check online for coupons before I buy anything.
Example: My daughter has allergies and her doctor recommended Reactine..normallt it is $9-$12. Found $3 off coupon online and item was on sale for $7.99. at SDM..cost me $5!!
Find Stores With the Best Discounts – Always
Double-Check Your Receipts – Always
Try to Shop Alone and in a Good Frame of Mind – leave my daughter at to shop early in the morning her late at night.
Look for Discounts – Always
Keep Your Wardrobe Basic – Have many basic t`s..can dress them up with a nice jacket.
Avoid Dry Cleaning Expenses – rarely…always use coupons.
Make Money Off of Your Old Clothes – onceupon a time for kids clothes..ebay for mine.
Where to Find Bargains and Specials for Dining Out – entertainment book.
When to Dine Out – Find out when it is kids free nighténights at your local restaurants or half price after a certain time.
Movie Bargains – collect SCENE IT points for free movies…bring my own water/pop..they are so overpriced in theatres.
Save Money on Concert Costs – join the fan club of artists you like. You get access to pre-sale tickets and discount.
use every penny, literally. When I go shopping I bring pennies with me. I use to put the pennies aside since it’s such a hassle but now I learn they are pretty useful
I try to cut back my hydro bill as much as possible. Here are some of the things I do:
1)Turn the TV off when no one is watching it. A 32 inch TV uses 115 watts. When not in use for an average of 2hours per day you can save around $7yr
2)I wash all of my clothes (except for my husbands whites for work) in cold water. You can save approx. $13yr by washing 1 load per week in cold water instead of hot.
3)I always unplug appliances or chargers that I’m not using. Things like toaster, coffee pot, DVD player, printer, cell phone chargers. Even if the device is turned off it still draws power. By doing this you can save around $6yr.
4)Turn the lights off in the rooms not being used. Can save around $3yr
5)I switched to Compact fluorescent light bulbs. They use 75% less energy and last about 10 times longer than incandescent light bulbs. It will give you an approx. savings of $8yr
Every little bit adds up and I have actually noticed it on my hydro bill!
My suggestion is to do your weekly menu planning according to what is on special that week. Don’t forget to use coupons to make the sale items even cheaper.
Never, ever, buy anything that is not on sale or on liquidation. Then, use your coupons you have been saving up for this. Many times you will get items at almost nothing, or even free. If you do this will everything you buy, you will see that everything is on sale at some point and the sale comes regularly too. If it is not on sale, don’t buy it, and buy in quantities when it is to last you till the next one.
keep your priorities straight and know what’s the diff. between want and need; put any leftover change in a bottle when done; limit number of credit cards; only buy things on sales and use coupons; when you get your paycheque try to set the majority aside and use the rest for essentials
Just thought of another one!
I love going to garage sales! Not only can you save money (I bought a mini-fridge for $5.00!) it’s also a great way to get to know your neighbours and also helps the neighbourhood become more environmentally conscious. Just think of all the stuff that might have otherwise gone to the dumpster!
We save money by buying ahead; if something we use regularly is on sale, we stock up. That way, we won’t have to pay full price for it when we need it.
We also keep the thermostat low (we turn it up when we actually need it but turn it down again the moment we don’t), and turn off the lights in rooms that we’re not in.
I also clean with sponges rather than paper towel; this reduces waste and also saves us money in the long run.
Sometimes we buy cheap supplies at the local Dollarama; certain items like cleaning supplies (e.g. sponges & kitchen towels) do not require brand-name power, so it’s okay to pick up the lower-end version of the same thing that you’d pay 3x the money for, elsewhere!
We also use our local Freecycle; we give away (and can obtain) free goods through this network.
When the weather is nice, we walk. Our car is 9 months new and there is less than 5000 km on it 🙂
Old t-shirts make great rags for cleaning and polishing! If you can’t give it away, shred it up and use it!
We also optimize our Shoppers Drug Mart Optimum points; if we need stuff and they have a points promotion happening, we will sometimes buy our items there to collect on the points. Make-up is a key one; if I buy during a “Free Gift” promo that is happening in conjunction with a 25x the points promo, I end up gaining somewhere around 23000 points in one trip (plus the free gift).
Baby oil & water makes for an effective make-up remover, and it’s way cheaper than paying for the fancy stuff.
If you can bundle your internet, cable, and phone, you will save more than having these on separate bills w/separate companies.
Eating at home is infinitely cheaper than dining out.
Those are just some of the things we’ve been doing. I’m sure we could really tighten our spending a bit more, but for now it hasn’t been our biggest priority. That said, I agree that every little bit of savings will add up to big savings in the long run!
Make your own “ice capps”! Just freeze any left over coffee ice cube trays. Through frozen cubes in blender with milk, a little sugar, and a squirt of chocolate syrup – press blend and enjoy.
Use kijiji or Freecycle to look for things you would otherwise buy new…many times they are free and have alot of life left in them. Especially good for furniture or kids toys.
Check my coupon pouch every month and put the ones that expire that month on the fridge. This reminds me to use the coupon before they go expire.
shop at thrift stores for kids, use coupons and always buy sale items on stores, and offcourse use freecycle group for things.
Aside from clipping coupons, checking for instore deals, using coupons on clearance items etc, make sure you what the till when the cashier is scanning. If the item is scanning at more then the shelf price, apply SCOP (scanning code of practice) and get the item FREE if it is under $10 (at stores that participate) and if the item is over $10, then you get the item for $10 less!
My husband and I stopped going to Timmies in the morning. (He thought this was tragic). We take our coffee from home and drop the change we would of used at timmies in a Jar in the morning.
When traveling some distance, I use Craigslist Rideshare / PickupPal Admin/Webmasters:
Wouldn’t it be better that you email the winners, rather than them having to email you first? It seems to me that we are adding an unnecessary step. To leave comments on your blog/site, an email address is required. So why not just email the winners first????
Tip 2: Turn off the lights in rooms I’m leaving
Tip 3: Bring food where I go, so that I don’t have to eat out.
My savings tip – Lifestyle.
I enjoy going out for a nice dinner once a week but like most of us can’t always afford to spring for it! My strategy is using my Entertainment book coupon in combination to the restaurant’s specials. I find out what day they have the best special and go that night, with my coupon. I usually end up spending less than 40$ for a 2 person dinner, with drinks!
1. Drive conservatively to save gas.
2. If you have the time and energy, walk/bike/something instead of driving.
3. Take a water bottle with you.
4. Use coupons whenever possible.
5. Buy on sale.
5. Buy things you need first and then if you have the spare cash, what you want.
I get my little Cousin to watch for Coupons when shopping with his mom. He’s 5 and he is so inent of making we excited, so he also looks really hard.
mix chocolate milk with normal milk because chocolate milk is more expensive and it tastes better.
Chances are your home’s leaking energy. If you get an ecoaudit done, you’ll get rebates if you replace that energy-guzzling old furnace, improve your insulation, change drafty windows and doors and complete other retrofits suggested in your audit report. You could qualify for up to $5,000 in federal rebates plus more from your province. It cost me $150 last year for the audit.I replaced my very old furnace and 2 old toilets and received $650 from the federal gov’t & another $650 from Ontario. Combine this with the home improvement tax credit and you can really save a lot of money doing those needed upgrades.
Link to Canada web site:
Shop Kijiji or Craigslist.
Shop at garage sales, thrift stores and consignment stores for kid’s clothes, toys, sporting equipment & outdoor toys.
You can find great stuff with minimal wear for good prices.
Once you are done with the item, if it is still in good shape, you can re-sell it at your own garage sale or back on Kijiji again.
I bought my kid’s outdoor climber this way. Bought at a garage sale for $60 a few years ago. My kids played on it but it was still in great shape. I cleaned it up and sold it on Kijiji last month for $50. In the end, I ‘rented’ it for 4 years for only $10. 🙂
Once a month cooking is a great way to save money. With some planning and thinking ahead, you can put together 20-30 dinners and freeze them. Not only are you using your time more efficiently (i.e. only having to wash the dishes from cooking once), but it will cut down on eating out when you’re too tired to cook. There’s nothing like picking dinner from a “menu” full of items already in the freezer.
Another idea is to keep a freezer and pantry inventory. This eliminates running out of ingredients that you thought were on hand and having to buy them at full price, and also prevents food from getting spoiled because it’s forgotten about.
I love shopping kijiji I got my daughter a few outdoor toys that were like brand new for way less then I would pay brand new at the store.
Switch to an all-cash envelope system until you know exactly where each penny of your spending is going. We have since switched back to using our credit cards (for collecting PC points), but still track everything like we did with the cash. Once we’re out of money in an envelope, we have to wait until we can save up more!
changed all my light bulbs to low energy bulbs……Thanks to the $4 coupon and walmarts sale. So paid nothing and am saving tons a year.
I was always taught to live within my means. I NEVER carry a balance on my credit card. Never buy anything at full price. Use freecycle (I give a lot too). Delay gratification: I never buy the latest on the market… I wait for the price to go down and invariably it does.
I borrow dvds from the library and save on rental fees.
My tip for saving money is pay yourself first. Set it up with your bank so that every month a set amount is automatically deposited directly to a savings account.
Used bookstores or book swaps save me the most money. I love to read, and even love to spoil myself with my “own copy” and I can do this by awesome places like BMV books on bloor (or at yonge and eg) in Toronto. It amazes me how many people buy books full price at Chapters or Indigo where, at the VERY least, buy new at amazon, they always have a discount off listed prices!
planning is important…avoid impulse purchases…get into a habit of the
same grocery/stores and know their prices…use coupons weekly and combine
with pricematching and or points…
recycling is very important to our pocketbooks as well as the environment..
this can be from bottles to furniture…
i derive a lot of fun from getting “good deals” its my idea of thrill seeking..:))
Even if it’s cheap doesn’t mean that you need to buy it; buy what you need.
Taking short showers without really hot water saves lots of money 🙂
Walk when you can. It saves the environment and you wallet with these high gas prices.
Saving other people $: Over the past couple of years I have gained some weight, so I gave my old clothes to friends and some to the Salvation Army. It is environmentally friendly and can help a lot of people who don’t have $ for new clothes, since jobs and social situations require nice attire.
Saving $ for myself: I shop for clothes almost exclusively during end-of-season sales. You can also pick up great accessories at these sales to use as gifts. If you or someone you are buying a gift for is into trendy stuff, trends often come back and sometimes stick around for several years in a row, so you can buy stuff that will still look current the year after and maybe even the year or next couple of years after that as well. You can also find stuff that is technically seasonal but is actually very classic and will never look outdated.
I often do coffee dates with friends at my house rather than going to cafes. I will make tea (I don`t like coffee) and have some little cookies or sometimes even cakes. Tea is very cheap to have at home, and you can get cookies and other desserts on sale. It sure beats going to a certain expensive coffee chain and (impulse-)buying their little desserts because they are so strategically placed at the cash register.
My family prefers their bread very fresh so as soon as the bread begins to go a little stale I cut it all up into cubes, sprinkle with lots of melted butter and season with garlic salt & italian seasoning. Then I lay all of it out in a single layer on a cookie sheet. Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes…voila, you’ve got homemade croutons! Once they’ve cooled down I place them in a ziploc bag ready to use when we have salad.
I’ve stopped purchasing books. First, they are so expensive. Second, after I’ve read them, they just take up space while collecting dust. I now just borrow from the library. It’s much more affordable as I can read as many books as I’d like all for free.
I dye my own hair. It costs very little – just combine sales with coupons and stockpile when it’s free or close to free. I also cut my hair at a hairdressing school. The students are closely supervised by their teacher.
I always collect grocery coupons from or other company websites. then i look for deals of that coupons products from the weekly flyers. then shop from that store which has coupon product in deal. thus end up saving good money.
I purchase non-perishable products in bulk when there is any deal on it like bathroom rolls , kitchen paper towels, etc.
I always visit store closing down sale. you get good products at very cheap prices
Shopping at Thrift Stores is so in right now but I have been doing it for years. Its a great place to get childrens’ clothes really inexpensively and you would be amazed at the brand name clothing I have found at these stores and usually in nearly new condition. You may not always find exactly what you are needing at the moment but, with a little planning ,you can find clothes for every season. I buy winter clothes in the summer and visa versa and, yes, even thrift stores have end of the season sales so the savings can be tremendous.
I try to only buy what I’m going to use, bulk looks like a good but if it is only you thenit just gets thrown out
1) Cards (Christmas and birthday – are realllly costly at full price and msot people will use quite a few of them in a year. I buy Christmas cards at 75% off after the holidays. For borhtdya cards I buy gorgous boxes fo about 25 fancy cards (usually looking like “scrapbooked” cards or accessorized high end cards) at Costco – less than $1/card for really great cards that everyone comments on, as opposed to $4 each at Hallmark etc. And I buy inexpensive but lovely blank cards at Micheals with 40% off coupons to use as “Thank You”, sympathy, note to colleagues etc. cards. I often get comments that the cards I send are very nice – and I spent a fraction of what you woud spend by buying each card at at drug store or card store. You can also always get kids to make cards for holidays such as birthdays as well – people usually enjoy these and they are very inexpensive! I figure I save about $45/year on this, as well as the time and gas I’d use to run out and buy cards for every occasion.
2) Instead for wrapping paper, buy a big roll of brown kraft paper to use as wrapping paper – with a nice ribbon it looks quite “minimalist elegant”, and you get practically a lifetime supply of this paper for about $10.
The best way to save money is to find a part-time job that offers a discount at the specific place of work and others. Or keep a network of people readily available that you know can get you discounts where they work. I know this may seem capitalistic but hey, you’ve got to save as much as you can so you have enough to spend on the things that really matter!
A great way to save money is to stock up on items that have a long shelf life. When things go on sale, clearance and you have coupons on top of that, resulting in a free or close to free item, stock up! But, only buy what you need, if you don’t use it, then why waste money paying tax, or space?
Enter contests. It is amazing what you can win.
OT: Boo, I was the first winner & I sent in my email, but I still haven’t heard back from you. What should I do about this? 🙁
Hi Kitty,
I’m sorry for the delay. I was waiting till I had all 7 winners for last week then sending them out all at once. You should be getting you prize within a week max! I’m sorry for the inconvenience!
There are a lot of things that one doesn’t need, but wants… so I ask myself all the time whether I really need something when I go shopping. I will put a mental note on the item and then at the end of a trip, go back to pick it up if I really want it, or leave it as I realize it would have been an impulse buy.
I walk to work to save on transit fare, and get fresh air at the same time. I also pack a lunch – healthier and saves money at the same time. I also have the most basic plan on my cell phone – no text plan or caller ID. I have a machine at home so I don’t have to pay for voicemail either. (Though I suppose if I wanted to save even more I could get rid of the land line.) Mainly, it is a conscious effort when it comes to spending hard earned cash and trying to buy things on sale!
Save on laundry:
Buy Bounce 120 packs on sale at absolute lowest price 4.99 less coupon $1 then get them home, cut them in half. For $3.99 you have enough fabric softener foor 240 loads.
I also use exactly half of the recommended amount of laundry detergent and you would never notice.
Do it yourself lattes, savings = $3.50/day.
Buy a cheap milk froather from bowring/ikea, heat your milk (1/2 – 1 cup) in the microwave, froath until twice it’s volume, then pour in coffee. I keep my froather at work next to the coffee maker and we all save on trips to Second cup/starbucks!
Any time i go into stores such as Winner’s, i ALWAYS head for the Clearance sections first! My best deal so far by doing that: a long beige sweater (the type that you can pair with a chunky thick belt around the waist) retailed for $60 and i got it for $3…………..YES $3!!!
Because i don’t always have a large appetite, i sometimes buy myself a Happy Meal at McDonald’s which is about half the price of the larger meals there, it’s enough food for me PLUS the baby gets a toy to play with!
I am starting to stock up on the new store bags instead of using plastic bags which are bad for the environment and in most places 5 cents each.
The biggest trick to saving money is to log on to the SmartCanucks site daily so I can be on the lookout for unadvertised deals the next time I’m out shopping. 🙂
Staying home for “Date Night” instead of going out will save a ton! Buying a nice steak or roast and then cooking it together is a great way to save $$$ plus get to spend some quality time together!
To Save money I “Bake in Bulk”. Whenever i make muffins etc. I will double the recipe and freeze half. That way you always have an emergency stash on hand for a quick snack or to take with lunch so you don’t have to but somthing extra.
PRICE MATCH!!!! when I was young I remember watching my Grandpa go through the fliers finding the best deals. Then he would go out shopping to 2-4 different stores to pick everything up. Now it is sooooo much easier! I still go through all the flyers, but then I shop at Zeller or Walmart and just price match to the sales at other stores. Saves $$$, time and gas!
I bought a bread machine many years ago and make 95% of our bread. You just put a few ingredients in the bread machine and magically a few hours later you have a lovely loaf of homemade bread. The cost is very minimal and you are in control of the ingredients you use. We love it-it saves money and it is healthy!!
To save money, I take advantage of sales/promotions by stocking up and buying multiple items of that product, which will last me a while. I eat healthy and buy very little meat and load up on the fruits and vegetables and grains, so my grocery bill is pretty low. Also, I ensure that I stay within my weekly budget.
i try to cut back on my grocery bill by:
Looking for the thing i need when it is on sale and then trying to find a coupon that goes with it so i can get a discount on the thing that is already on sale.
if the thing is not on sale i wait until it is on sale
i use as many coupons a spossible to save the money for the next time i go shoppoing
Best way to save money as parents is going green. use cloth diapers instead of regular diapers, make kids wear used clothes instead of buying new ones, bring used kids furniture and toys at home instead of new kids furniture and toys. make healhy snacks at home for kids rather them taking them to burger king or mcdonalds. Invest the money saved for kids education.
Things i do to save money are:
Use coupons combined with sales
Use coupons alone
I save any money i get to keep because i used coupons – i saved 92 dollars and change since the end of january – which i used some on the weekend to do mothers day dinner (i took my mom and siblings out for breakfast).
Buy on sale
Buy second hand – ebay, garage sales, thrift stores.
Stock up on non perishables when on sale – it makes a huge difference plus then you have a stash for a storm or something.
FIX things that are broken
Grow a garden
Farmers markets have lower prices and better food…
reuse things – repair them, make soemthign new out of them I use old clothes to make quilts.
Park the car and bike instead, amazing how much $$ is saved in gas!
My favourite ways to save money (and the environment!):
Grow your own food. I have a big garden, which grows tons of produce (everything from lettuce, peas, beans, tomatoes, blueberries, strawberries, asparagus, onions, zucchini, potatoes…). And it only costs a few cents a year! Seed packets go on sale for 50 cents and contain enough for dozens or hundreds of plants. Save hundreds of dollars on groceries and get better quality food!
If you don’t have room for a bigger garden, you can also save cash and get better quality, local produce at your farmer’s market!
Instead of spending $2.75 on a single bus trip, I usually walk. I can usually walk a couple of kilometers in half an hour. Not only am I saving money, but I’m also getting exercise! (I think I read somewhere that you should walk 10,000 steps a day to stay healthy)
Think twice before spending money on a sale. Usually when people see a good deal on something, they turn into “fight or flight” mode and head straight to the cashier with it. This usually results in a lot of impulse buys (I kind of learned this the hard way). Now when I see a sale, I pause and re-evaluate whether or not I truly need the product. Sometimes when I see a clothing sale, I might impulsively want to buy an article, but after some thinking I’d realize that I would have nothing to coordinate the piece with. Don’t worry about the deal “slipping away” if you don’t buy it – I found that if I turn around and walk out, the product no longer seems as appealing as I had originally thought.
Avoid frequently buying snacks from e.g. Second Cup. Those things really do add up in cost. If I’ll be home in an hour for dinner, I won’t bother buying a cookie or a muffin regardless of how hungry I am. One more hour of hunger won’t kill me. 🙂
For people who use makeup: don’t spend money on makeup removers. Just use olive oil or baby oil and the makeup comes right off!
Anyone who is disabled and wants to save money should check out the new Registered Disability Savings Plan. If you qualify to set one up, the government will actually help out with matching grants and bonds. In most provinces the RDSP is an exempt asset and will not affect your ability to receive disability benefits. I just crunched some numbers and I figured my disabled 24 year old niece could have close to $100,000 set aside by age 50 with minimal contributions by herself (or friends or family) and lots of money thrown in by the government. For the disabled this is an opportunity not to be missed! For more info go to:
or just google Registered Disability Savings Plan. If it seems too complicated then ask for help. Get an advocate and get going on BIG long term savings!
I use newspaper with windex to clean windows…. you get the newspaper delivered to your door free and it works amazingly and leaves no streaks.
Get an automatic savings account, when the $$ goes out automatically, you don’t notice it, every so often I up the amount by $25, it adds up fast. All books and dvds I get at the library, it’s so easy to have it ordered in. Plus if I don’t like a book I don’t read it, whereas if I bought a book I felt obligated to read it. Nothing is owrse than reading a book you don’t like!LOL Make baked goods yourself. When going to town for the day, pack a sandwich instead of going through a drive through.
Don’t waste your money at Tim’s or wherever you buy coffee on the way to work. Buy a travel mug, make your own coffee at home & off you go!
Use coupons!
Cook/eat at home, not fast food restaurants.
Buy sales!
Watch clearance bins!
Buy bulk store items (Bulk Barn, etc)
Don’t buy what you don’t need.
Don’t buy what you don’t use, even when you have a coupon for it.
Share a bulk order or grocery list with a neighbour to split the cost.
Grow a garden: freeze your veggies, etc.
Share with others: what goes around comes around.
my bigest tip for saving money is to only go shopping when need be – that help me not buy things i dont need lol
Get a Brita filter and carry a stainless water bottle. You’ll save money and be environmentally friendly.
the most money i save revolves around my work. i bring my own lunches instead of raiding the vending machines or heading to the variety store across the street. i like stocking up on whatever i need at the bulk barn too. i love that place!
another thing i did was to save my mom some money by getting her big thermos to take her coffee to work. she drinks more coffee than anyone i know and it’s saved her spending all her spare change. about a month ago i rolled up all her change for her and she had over $70.
with summer almost here now…kids demand ice-cream almost every day….instead of buying from ice- cream parlour everyday(you can do that once in a while)….get your ice-cream tub from grocery store & have your conces/chocolate dip/syrups ready. my family folves the home made banana boat, as it not onlyu comes with fresh banana but also the fresh strawberries & fresh pineapple all on 3 scoops of french vanilla….yummm & money saving
We recently decided to get back on the budget wagon and have made a few changes in how we spend:
1. We cut our home phone. We are in a rural area so we had to have the rural fees and the long distance package on our phone. We realized that only telemarketers were calling us, so we cut it and use our cell phones – we save $100 per month!! (isn’t that ridiculous!!)
2. We carpool as much as possible. And we plan our trips to the city to save gas – we try to get a lot done in one trip to avoid extra trips.
3. Since moving to our small town we have all but cut out fast food. We pack our lunches and eat supper at home.
4. We recycle cans and bottles and all that money goes into a “holiday” jar for our upcoming trip to Disneyworld.
5. Everytime daycare is closed for a holiday, etc, I take the money that would have normally paid my daycare and put it in the “holiday” jar.
6. I stopped using coupons *GASP*!! I found I was buying things I did not need just because it was a deal. When I went to the bathroom closet one day and realized that I would not need to buy shampoo for at least a year, I decided enough was enough!! I only use coupons when it is something that was ALREADY on my list!!
When we go to Disneyworld this year it will all be paid for with “found” money. We have been saving since last September and it is not going to cut into our regular budget at all!! And it will not be on the credit card either!! Oh, and I have mentioned this before, but I also get Swagbucks and have been collecting them for the Disney Gift cards. Prior to our trip, we are going to preorder some souveniers for the kids and get them sent to the hotel to save on shipping. I did this last year, but this year it will be free because of Swagbucks!!
When Canada first got rid of the $1 bill and introduced the Loonie my parents started tossing all of theirs into a jar which we saved for family vacation each year…. When the $20 bill was replaced with the Toonie the savings grew even faster by adding them to the jar too…. I have since moved out of home but my parents were able to go on a week long all inclusive trip to St Lucia this past winter all thakns to their toonies and loonies…..
I make my own bath bombs and I love it. They cost close to nothing to make, they make your whole house smell great and they are the perfect present to bring with you anywhere!!!
I also make my own laundry soap to save on costs and use concentrated, natural cleaners that I can water down myself to save money, time and reduce plastic waste.
1. If you aren’t satisfied with a product – especially 1 made by a large company – WRITE A COMPLAINT LETTER/EMAIL/CALL their 1-800 number! You’d be surprised at how few of us do this and you’ll offered either a gift certificate or coupon to make up for that product!
2. I love shopping at thrift stores and I’ve even managed to turn it into a side-job. While I’m out looking for items that I’m interested in, I also keep my eyes peeled for items to sell on eBay! Once I bought a pair of sunglasses that looked like good quality for $2-3. Since they were some vintage designer, I ended up selling them for well over $200!
3. Designer cosmetics are EXPENSIVE, so instead of dumping money on something that I haven’t tried yet, I *always* go to Sephora and sneakily ask for a sample. The last time, I wanted to try a foundation that cost $55 – before taxes.
I got the salesperson to show me the shade that would best suit me, told her that I want to see how it wears before I purchased it, and she gave me this large sample jar!
clip coupons and organize them by expiry date; shopping at thrift stores
What my family does to save money is when payday arrives, the odd dollar amount goes into savings account for a holiday, or other large purchase. All we do is round down to the nearest 00 or 50 and the rest is in the bank! ( ie my paycheck is 1223.59 every 2 weeks so 23.59 goes into savings!) For the past 2 years we have been saving for a trip to visit family for the kids. Last year by doing this, we saved about $600 and now this year we are doing even better because we added a twoonie and loonie jar.
Don’t buy anything that you don’t have use no matter how cheap it is.
I got a PC credit card, which is my only credit card, and use it to make all my purchases, at every store. The points have added up quickly. We all have to make purchases anyway, why not get a credit card that will get you something for free? Since September, just by using this card, I’ve gotten over $100 in free groceries. A caution though: only get a points credit card on something you need all the time, like groceries or gas. No one needs to buy a new TV every year, so don’t get an electronics store credit card!
A couple of other tips:
Eat in, not out.
Minimize snacks and prepackaged food.
Compare prices at all available places – check price comparison sites, online sites, ebay, craigslist etc.
Buy used instead of new for some things like electronics.
If you tend to go out a lot try to think of things to do that don’t cost money. It’s summer so there’s more activities to do outside now.
Instead of paying to exercise at a gym, why not try exercising outside or in your home?
Borrow “a cup of sugar” etc. from your neighbour.
Another thought…every two weeks, when I get my paycheque, there is a deduction for CPP and EI. Once I have maxed out this contribution, my net pay is increased. I then set up an automatic transfer to a savings account equal to the increased amount I am now receiving since I no longer have to send it to the government. I don’t miss it, because i was not actually receiving the cash before, but now instead of going into the government coffers, I put it into mine!
Books are a necessity for me. I use the library frequently, and I buy used books at thrift stores and library sales. My best finds were 25 cents each, and the most expensive was still a mere $2 for a brand new trade paperback book.
I absolutely try to avoid shopping unless I actually need something. When I go “window shopping” I end up buying something that I didn’t need.
I put all of my “found” money into a separate high interest savings account. Anything I make mystery shopping, any rebates, try me free offers, tax refunds, reimbursements from work, etc. That money is piling up quickly, and I don’t miss it at all!
I make my lunch everyday now, and bring it to work. I don’t eat out unless I have a gift card that I’ve received as a gift, or from a survey or contest. I’ve even stopped buying coffee….we have a great espresso machine at work, no need to go elsewhere!
When there are really great special on at stores I have my husband shop for them too. These are specials that are one per customer.
try to eat-in as much as possible. Take-out will save you from paying the tips (especially when the service is really bad)
Only buy what you need and not want you always want!!!!!!
Check out thrift stores, especially for kids clothes, great brand names and sometimes with tags! I love my garage sales for kids costumes, toys, crafts or just household items.
Whatever the kids grow out of, I sell on Kijiji. Very good, better profit than garage sales.
I make my own coffee, bottle my water to go, color my own hair, do my own maicures and pedicures, and basically don’t go to the mall for the sake of something to do.
Avoid going shopping if you can
I’m a flyer chick and love my coupons!
I always look out for clearance and buy things one season ahead!
Try some of these tips, you will find they help!
Cooking homemade meals definitely saves a lot of money compared to eating outside. Plus, it’s healthy! Another way to save money is buy taking resusable bags when grocery shopping – those 5 cents can add up to a lot at the end!
there is alot of info online to make your own laundry detergent, lawn fetilizer ect. Its so much cheaper and just as effective as store bought.
Reuse and recycle. It’s good for the environment and a nice hobby. If something’s wearing down or you don’t need it, think of what else you could use it for. Use the back of paper ads for notes or as scrap paper.
Do a spring/summer cleaning and reflect on what you really need and what you could live without. I tend to be a packrat and I’ve realized I can really cut down on my expenses because some things I haven’t used in years.
Buy tools and machines you don’t use all the time — e.g. lawn mower, snow blower, chainsaw, power washer — as a co-op, with a couple of friends, neighbours, or relatives. Does every household NEED its own 17′ ladder?
When I see a non-esssential item that I want, I tell myself that if I really want I can go back and buy it the next day. It’s amazing how rarely something is worth a special trip.
Power of sharing. Clip coupons from in-law’s and friend’s house.
Put small amount of cash in the wallet. Every trip to the bank will be a “reminder” of how I should be spending my $.
Leave credit cards at home and only bring small amounts of cash!
Only buy what you need!
I clip coupons all the time. We have a white board that I write anything that we need in the near future like a couch or even smaller things and then whenever I have loose change and extra from my pay I put it in the jar. I also do a lot o clothes shopping at value village
I keep a plain zippered pencil case in my purse, filled with grocery coupons. Its a great way to organize them, and I use paperclips to sort them into different groups; Baby stuff, food groceries, laundry/domestics. I have walked out of places like Walmart using $20 worth of coupons…it helps the grocery bill!
I purchase certain baby items at thrift stores (ex.Value Village) and in turn sell them to baby consignment stores, or on Ebay at a profit and then use the money to purchase items I actually need for my daughter.
I go to websites like, or or, and find coupons for online stores before purchasing items. It saves a bunch!
I also spend the better part of 1 saturday a month steaming food and pureeing it and freezing it in icecube trays for my 9 month old. It saves a lot of money on baby food and offers my daughter a variety of different tastes, textures, and nutrients. Too easy!
One good way to save money is to stock up on consumables when they are on sale. You can also save money by buying fruits and vegtables when they are in season and on sale and then freezing or canning them for future use.
Talk with your next door neighbors to see if they have rhubarb, apples, raspberries, etc. growing in their yards which they don’t use. Offer to pick them (remind them that falling apples will make a big mess in their yard). They might also have too many fresh vegetables and might offer them to you. Most vegetables freeze very well.
Spring is here and now is the time to go through your closet, cupboards, garage, etc. Gather together all the items you no longer use/want and have a garage sale. Get your friends and family together and have a joint garage sale. A multi-family garage sale will tend to draw more customers.
*Use coupons
*Do price matching by finding the cheapest price online for a product you want to buy
*Buy clothes on clearance (usually up to 70% off at the end of season)
*For things that we use often (tissue paper, detergent, etc) get some rainchecks. At Zellers there is no expiry date, so I got a few of them to buy diapers, wipes and get them when I need them at the sale price. I do not have to buy them ahead (hence no spending and no storing)
For parents,
*make your own baby food by pureeing vegetables or fruits (that way you know what’s in them)
*get to potty training early ( I started at 2 months by holding my baby) I save a few diapers when at home; not so much saving when we go out since my baby’s schedule gets interrupted. The earlier you start, the faster they get used to it and will not get nightmares when they are toddlers and have to start
*get toys from clearance sections and keep a journal for them. Then when kids are invited to birthday parties, you won’t need to buy them at that time.
I buy a lot of “last day of sale” items at the grocery store and then plan my meal around that. Feeding my family of 7 (or 9 when my grown step sons come over) can be very expensive and this saves $$$$$
1 Way to save money is to go splits with other single people when grocery shopping usually fresh veggies and fruits go bad before you’ve had a chance to eat them all!
The biggest way I save money is to not let my husband do the grocery shopping!! He buys regular price and no coupons!!!
Plan your meals based on what is on sale. Turn lights and appliances off when you leave the house. Hang your clothes to dry, rather than putting them in the dryer.
never ever throw away coupons until they expire!!
My family and I are big specialty coffee drinkers. With a local Starbucks nearby, we often find ourselves ordering drinks like caramel macchiatos (my favourite) three to four times a week. Obviously, this makes a huge dent in our wallets. So, we bought a cheap espresso maker (you can get the stove-top ones for under $15), a cheap milk frother (you don’t need this if you’ll be making your drinks over ice) and the ingredients for our preferred drinks. For a caramel macchiato, you’ll need espresso, milk, vanilla syrup, and caramel topping, all of which you can get at Starbucks or your local grocer. If you’re really interested in making an investment, full-functioning espresso machines have really come down in price. Now we make delicious specialty coffee at home, and we (and our bank accounts!) couldn’t be happier.
I walk a fine line between saving money and keeping quality in my life.
1. I dye my own hair, but make sure I get a good cut.
2. I stopped buying books new. I either go to the library or get them secondhand. When I’m finished I often pass on to my family.
3. I check the flyers for sales and match up coupons to the things I need.
4. I rarely eat out, buy basic food a lot of the time rather than pre-made.
5. I make my own salad dressing. I use a basic recipe that can be varied.
6. I use cold witch hazel (available at drug stores) as a toner on my skin. Cheaper and very refreshing.
7. If I need something, I shop the second hand shops and usually find it. Value Village is great.
8. I buy premium cat food at a vet supply in 7 kg bags for $50.00. My cat is now minus hair balls and has almost stopped shedding for about $11.00 a month.
9. I buy basic clothes, then make them pretty with accessories.
10. As I say to my friends, I may not have a car, but I do have an RRSP!
11. I use a third of the recommended laundry detergent, always wash and rinse in cold water and line dry when weather permits.
12. I use a solution of vinegar and water as a household cleaner. I scrub out toilet bowls with Borax, let it sit for awhile, then flush.
I could probably list more, but I think it’s about deciding what’s really important to you as an individual and making your life reflect that.
There are alot of great tips on here!
My husband and are on a very tight fixed income, so we try our best to cut back where ever possible. My husband use to buy a Timmies coffee every morning on the way to work. Now I make it at home every day and put the extra in a togo mug. He recieves meal allowances from his work but I pack him his meals so we can pocket the money. We are lucky enough to be able to drive one vechile so that cuts back on insurance. I live close to a shopping center so if I’m not geting much I walk. I walk as much as possible to save money on gas. Plus it’s better for the figure!
Heres a tip for anyone who shaves.Rather than buy a new pack of razors every month, buy a $2.00 bottle of rubbing alcohol.As soon as you have shaved( face, legs whatever…)rinse the blade and put it into a small container containing the alcohol.Blades lose there sharpness due to rust not wear and being in the alcohol repels the rust-causing water.A single blade lasts me 2 months or more and i shave daily. As well the alcohol that remains on the blade when you next shave acts to tighten and cleanse the skin.
My friends and I will get together once a year and do a “trade”. We’ll bring in clothing items or toiletries that we never got around to using and do a free for all trade. It’s a great way to try out new products and expand your wardrobe without spending any money.
i hope this wasn’t posted already.
I cut back on spending by getting produce bags from the supermarket. I used them for garbage bags in the bathroom, my husbands lunches when he forgets his lunch bag LOL, i put my daughter’s pampers and supplies in them when we go out and i don’t wanna carry her diaper bag and they are great for wet swim clothes. there are too many useful ways to use those little clear bags.
the other thing i do which is a little ghetto is i collect soy sauce, hot sauce, ketchup, mustard, relish and any other condiment packets. i haven’t bought ketchup or soy sauce in years. for the record i do pay close attention to expiration dates. my kids think i’m nuts!LOL
One way that I have saved a lot of money is by buying the Blockbuster gift pack each Christmas…there are a ton of coupons that I use from it and the ones that I don’t use I give to friends so that they can reap the rewards too! The best thing about the pack is it comes with a free Blockbuster Rewards membership which offers perks like rent 5 and get 1 free. By using the coupons in the pack (which offer a lot of freebies), you can easily rack up the 5 rentals in no time without spending a fortune! I believe you have to spend money to make money, and in this case a little goes a long way! 😉
Since we bought our mini freezer for the kitchen (we’re in an apartment) I cook tons of easy quick meals that are ready in a few minutes. Since my fiancee and I are always working or at school it’s easy to fall into the “buying fast food” trend, but this way I make him and I things we like, and with the money we save from that I put it in my “Wedding” jar. We also air dry/hand wash a lot of our clothing. The handwashing actually helps to keep the clothes in better repair for longer, and air drying (and washing) cuts down on how much we spend on laundry at our apartment.
For date nights we usually can’t afford to go out anywhere, so we make our own “old school movie night” and find the most ridiculous old movies we own, make some popcorn, and enjoy that. Way cheaper, and way more fun!
Rather than each ordering our own coffee @ Timmies.
DW and I get an Extra Large Double cup then split the spoils!
It’s simple. Whatever is on sale, is on the menu that week.
Some of the restaurants we go to the salads are huge. Willy always picks the good stuff off, like the tomatoes, and carrots, etc, so we ask for an extra plate and extra dressing.
Willy and I love to split a dessert when we go out. It’s good for the waist, and the pocket book. It’s also very romantic.
Take advantages of Raincheques! Some places like Zellers, their raincheques last 2 years! Keep them in your purse, because who knows when you need that item, and lucky for you, it’s a sale price!
In the summer, I always hang my laundry out to dry. It’s natural and there’s a great sun smell!
collect spare change in a jar…it adds up!
well the most obvious thing i do to save is using this website!!! i can’t tell you how much money i’ve saved by being aware of the upcoming sales, not to mention all the freebies i’ve gotten (especially baby stuff which is fantastic!)
thanks smartcanucks!
oh and i also have a folder that contains all my coupons/gift cards. that way they’re all in one spot, so before i hit the mall/grocery store, i take a quick look through to see if i have any coupons for any of the items i need. and i go through it regularly to throw away any expired coupons so it’s always up-to-date!
Live within your means,don’t keep up with the Jone’s
If you can’t pay off the credit card at the end of the month don’t use it.
As mentioned several times here before Vinegar is a great cleaner.
Instead of take out pizza we buy frozen pizza. Delissio is great! We cook 3 for the four of us, and have leftovers for lunch for work on Monday.
I walk to school almost everyday, only used 2 bus tickets during the freezing winter days, haha.
my saving tips will be instead of going to movies, it is better to rent and watch at home.
choose car pool instead of driving the car alone, you can imagine how many cars on the road if one person drive a car.
choose shopping online instead of going to the shopping mall. Unless we need to buy groceries, think of how much we can save on parking tickets and fuel not to forget the queue at cashier counter.
I visit S.C everyday!!Thats the first step to saving lots of moolah!
I save money by looking at the ads for the week and finding matching coupons to save more money in additional to the sales going around!
You can shop online instead of in stores! I say shop online especially when they off free shipping!
Some place like Baskin Robbins and Bed, Bath & Beyond accept expired coupons!! So you can keep on saving them!
Buy generic store brands instead – exact same ingredients for much less money.
Go out for lunch/dinner when DD not around.
Automatically save 1/3 of Total Bill!(Don’t tell!)
For parents out there, i make paint for my kids at home. Its so much cheaper (just water, cornstarch, some sugar and colour). I do the same with play-dough. It saves a whole lot of money and I know what’s in it.
I dont know if everyone here uses coupons but I have saved soo much using coupons.
I trade a lot in the trading section of smartcanucks. It really helps out because when I have a high value coupon(s) that I wont use, I cant always trade it for something I can use or for Gift Cards.
Also, coupon shopping while you’re grocery shopping. Their are always plenty of instore coupons that can be collected and used at a later date when the item is on sale to get the best deal possible.
Lastly, ALWAYS Check your receipts for mis-priced items and Know SCOP!!
Hope this helps someone out!
I grind more expensive coffee beans with a pre-ground coffee like Melitta or Nabob. Saves alot but I still get the quality and taste.
I buy bbq chickens in the deli ($7 to 9) and have it for dinner one evening for a family of 4. The next day, I make soup stock out of the bones, and it is extra tasty because the chicken was seasoned, and bbq’d on the rotissirie. I will remove all the meat from the bones and use that in my soup (which my family and friends rave about and ask me to make them another batch all the time.) I grate all my left over veggies into the soup too. This tip is good all-round…less cooking time, less clean up time, nutritious, low salt, use up leftover in the fridge. Plus I get 1 full meal for a family of 4 and enough soup to have for dinner and lunches for a few days plus I can freeze more soup for another time.
To stop the little ones from using reams of TP, I flatten the toilet roll tube so that it doesn’t SPIN on and on dispensing 10-20 sheets. Now I’d say they use 4-5 sheets rather than 10-15 sheets.LMAO. it also helps to not plug the toilet up with copious amounts of TP.
I make soap from the tidbits left in the shower that nobody seems to want to use. Either you boil/melt the soap with water and use in a hand soap dispenser, or to spray on your garden to deter insects, or you can chop/grate the bits of soap and melt enough so you can press it together in a mold to make a full bar of soap.
I am a scrapbooker and I make all my cards, bday, Christmas, weddings, thank you, get well, etc for every occasion. I’ve also sold lots of cards I’ve made so the money goes back into my scrapbook supply budge. I also make most of my gifts for family and friends, alter art projects, shadow box frames, calendars, albums and mini albums, wall art, etc.
For printer paper, I have a supply of office grade that I use for only important things. For everything else I have a box with 5,000 sheets (that I got for free from my brother) that is lower quality, thinner paper which works great for everyday personal stuff. I also try to print 2sided.
I plan creative meals around what I have in my fridge/kitchen rather than tossing out leftovers.
I share veggies from my garden with my neighbour and she in return gives me items from her garden that I don’t plant. THis works out GREAT!
We like pizza in this house, and usually make it from scratch, crust and all. In a time pinch, I will buy thin crust frozen pizza (bought using coupons of course) and we add all the extra toppings we like and more cheese. Tastes just as good as delivery! without the cost!
When yogurt is on a really awesome sale, and I have coupons to get it for almost free, I will buy more and freeze some of the yogurts to eat at a later time. I’ve also used frozen yogurt to blend with fresh fruit for yummy desert. In the mornings before school when kids don’t really want to eat so early, a yogurt shake with fresh or frozen strawberries always wins them over. Makes me feel good too…at least they are having something nutritious!
I could go on and on….but I gotta go *tinkle* now…LMAO
buy in bulk, but only if it’s a great deal and it’s something you need.
never, ever bring your husband grocery shopping, he always loads up the cart with junk we don’t need.
I am making my own pizza dough and place them on small plate size cardboard (covered with aluminum foil). I add all the ingredients, cover with foil that I shrink using a hair dryer and stuck them in the freezer. Whenever we are too tired to cook dinner or we have appetite for a pizza, we just put the pizza in the oven for about 15 minutes. The pizzas are about $2 and we know exactly what is in them. It saves us lots of extra calories and about $8-10 per pizza.
I don’t use my coupons as soon as I get them. I keep them for when they go on sale, to benefit the most from them.
If you have a Canadian Tire gas bar in your area clip the “5x, 6x or 10x the Canadian Tire Money” coupon out of your weekly flyer and fill up with gas at their gas bar and use that coupon. Depending on how much gas you use the savings can be substantial..(because instead of getting maybe 25 or 30 cents back in Canadian Tire Money, you would get 5, 6 or 10 times that much!!!!) Save it up like we do and after a little while you get a tank of gas for FREE (or you can use it for something else you want at Canadian Tire.) FREE MONEY FOLKS!!!
Another thing we do that I don’t think has been mentioned here yet is steer away from the big name brands (like Kraft, Unilever) as mush as possible to save $$. What we do is when something “Compliments” brand from Sobeys or “Great Value” from Wal-Mart goes on sale we will sometimes by it to try it out. As I am sure a lot of you already know those divisions of the companies actually aren’t made by Sobeys or Wal-Mart…. they are ACTUALLY the big name products (i.e. Kraft, Unilever) in different packaging. For example, we recently decided to try “Compliments” brand whipped topping rather than purchasing Cool Whip because for the same size product it was $2.29 for Compliments versus $3.59 for the Kraft Cool Whip….. and boy was I glad we did, because it WAS COOL WHIP!!! So now, every time the boys in my house want that tasty treat, I get to save $1.30 a shot without worrying about coupons!! (oh, and FYI…. another GREAT ONE…. Compliments liquid laundry soap from Sobeys is TIDE in different packaging!!!) The stores I have had the most luck with this are Sobeys and Wal-Mart…. more so than Superstore/Loblaws.
Thanks so much for this contest Boo…. I LOVE sharing ideas like this!!
I started cutitng Crest White Strips in half (the long way) due to sensitive teeth – doing this means the strip only touches the fronts of your teeth and avoids the sensitivity problem. The BONUS is – you get twice the number of strips to use – so your partner can whiten along with you, or you have another set ready for later on! These kits are about $40, so sharing with your partner twice a year saves $80 and avoids senstive teeth!
Also – make your own wine! The “make your own” stores make a great quality product and each bottle is about $3, so figuring an average of $13 per bottle of wine, this saves you $10 per bottle!
One of my own personal ways to save money is to take something I know a lot about – like CDs and DVDs – and be constantly on the lookout for really good deals on these items that I can buy and sell for a profit. The best deal I ever got was at a dollar store…I bought a hard to find and out of print CD for $2 and sold it on eBay for over $30! The store didn’t even know what a collector’s item they had! Things like that are one of the best ways to save money…but of course, like I mentioned in another post, you have to spend money to make money.
Just find something you know a lot about and use it to your advantage, make it your own little niche to find products that you can flip and reap the benefits!
Pay attention to what you pay for. Always check your receipts, I have found out a few times that some cashiers don’t remember all the codes and punch in the most expensive items (ie. tomatoes; there’s a few types of tomatoes for sale but at different prices. Sometimes I see that they try to charge for the price of the most expensive one).
That also goes for restaurants or stores; sometimes they mention sale price but charge you full price for some items
Pay attention to what you pay for. Always check your receipts, I have found out a few times that some cashiers don’t remember all the codes and punch in the most expensive items (ie. tomatoes; there’s a few types of tomatoes for sale but at different prices. Sometimes I see that they try to charge for the price of the most expensive one).
That also goes for restaurants or stores; sometimes they mention sale price but charge you full price for some items
If I buy something and it goes on sale in the next week or so, I take my receipt back to get a credit for it. If they won’t give me a credit, I return it, and then buy it again at the sale price.
My motto is when shopping “if in doubt, go without” Nine times out of ten when I get home I don’t miss it. Also, when I look at those $3.00 to $3.50 bag of chips I want to purchase, I think to myself, do I need the calories? also three bucks in my wallet is better then on my hips. I make popcorn with my hotair popper..less calories, less $$$ and better for you and never shop without my sales flyes and coupons.
i always get coupons from other stores and bring them to the stores that have the item on sale. A few days ago, i got the $4 off florescent light bulbs from some store. Another store had florescent light bulbs on sale. i got 4 bulbs for 22 cents!!!
I plant my own veggie and herb garden, a huge one, and I share with friends. Whatever I have I also par-boil and freeze for the rest of the year and have fresh veggies year round. I freeze my herbs cut up and place them in ice-cube trays, then when I need a bit for a recipe, I just pop one out of the tray.
Also, when toilet paper goes on sale for really cheap, I combine the sale with a coupon and stock up. I can never have enough!
Bid on off-season items(clothing) on Ebay. People don’t bid on winter boots & clothing in the summer so you’ll get a really great price on these items even when you include shipping. Sometimes starting bids are very low.
I scout smartcanucks for coupons and deals, I shop at dollarama for things such as batteries, hair ties, etc. I buy clothes second hand from Talize or Value Village, while turning my closet inside out and giving away clothes I no longer wear to charity. I hand out coupons to others so they can save money too. I make a limit on how much I will pay for an item and wait for it to either go on sale, or use a coupon. I buy in bulk when items are really cheap. Walmart is my best friend 🙂
When I go shopping, besides using coupons I like to look for items that have free bonuses, bonus size like (25%more), and special offers or rebates for the item I’m.
Lately the cereal companies have an array of offers on the box from coupons, entertainment passes and the magazine & book offers. You save money when you use coupons but it’s nice to get a little something extra.
Buy meat when it is marked down close to its best before date and freeze it. It will keep up to 3 months.
I sell metal (copper, steel, stainless steel, aluminum, extension cord wires, telephone wires, brass and various othermetals to a local scrap yard. They pay cash per pound and I am doing a service to the environment.
Carry a Pampered Chef i-Slice with you so that you’re prepared to clip a coupon wherever you happen to find it! (See
One way we save money around here (with 5 adults and 5 toddlers) is to squeeze the roll of toilet paper before we put it on the dispenser. Teenagers and toddlers both use *way* too much if unattended! LOL What you’re trying to do is make the cardboard tube less round. One good squeeze and suddenly they are not getting 5 feet of toilet paper with every pull and you’re saving money on the toilet paper that you bought using coupons and sales info from Smartcanucks of course!
I buy my baby formula and food at Shoppers Drug Mart on Seniors Day, the last Thursday of every month. I bring my mom as my senior and then I get 20% off the regular price!
another thing i do with friends is instead of going out for expensive dinners, we do potluck at each of our houses. it makes it easy and inexpensive!
We hold on to our recipts and wait to see if the product goes on sale, if it does we go back and get the price adjustment.
you would be suprised at how much we have gotten back so far
1) LANDLINE PHONE to MAJICJACK: I saved well over $200 a year by cancelling my landline and changing to a MagicJack Internet Telephony. I only spent $40 bucks for it and it will cost $20 per year thereon. It works for me. It runs through the internet connection of which I have and can’t live without anyway. Free calls anywhere in the US&CANADA. I usually use it for outgoing calls. AND, I have my fido cell phone with unlimited incoming calls plan for $25/mo. It serves as my main local contact and I didn’t have to cancel it for a cell phone is a must for me as well. In short, the cell and Magicjack combo works well for me.
2) MARKED DOWN GROCERY GOODS INCLUDING MEAT: I truly believe that just because its marked down, it does not mean the quality is compromised. AND, you can make sure not to get a bad one by examining its condition before buying. The store put some on sale when the ‘best used by date’ is approaching or having new items for display. Sometimes I get to avail this savings between 30% to 50% off markdown.
3) FREECYCLE.ORG : I am a member of a Freecycle community. There is quite a few in the GTA. Before buying an item, you can check if someone in your area might have the item you need that they no longer use or need and willing to give away. You can do the same for others. 3 RRRs (REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE).
4) CHECK LOCAL ONLINE AD POSTINGS such as Craigslist, Kijiji etc. (Second-hand market) for items that you may need instead of buying a brand new one. P.S. Make sure the items you get are true to the posted items descriptions. Of course, we know about the ‘buyer beware’ stuff 🙂
5) COUPONING: This has been mentioned a lot already. WE ALL USE IT 🙂
6) CAT LITTER: This one I would like to share. Recently, I came across with this website: . I did what the tips says but now, I realised just the plain shredded papers works for my two cats. This saves me money and oh boy, I hate to haul those heavy boxes of clay cat litters from the store especially I don’t have a car.
swith back and forth between your phone/tv subscriber. Ive going back and forth between bell and Rogers over the last few years.
There always trying to win back their old customers by giving great deals, and when the time period for the deal runs ou, i just switch back.
We don’t have cable but I love tv. What do we do? I watch tv online either on the stations website or via youtube. It saves us about $600 a year. People are always suprised that I am so up to date on so many tv shows only a day after they air when they hear I only get 2 channels on my tv.
Can you know of any corresponding information sites like yours i always can uncover out additional info?…
I keep a written budget to keep me accountable for every penny I spend. I didn’t think I was wasting any extra money, but now that I write it down, I found that we’re saving up to $200 in not buying “miscallaneous” things.
Great posts & Nice a site….
I stock up when a product is on sale & I shop around. I don’t do my shopping in just one store. Also, instead of wasting my lunch sitting around I do my shopping during this time…this way I also get some exercise.
I save US dollars and change that I come across. A few times a year when we go over the border shopping for deals, the change comes in very handy !!
Great job ! Thank you for these informations.
Learned Brick By Boring Brick in guitar lessons today *happy dance* :3
My savings tips are gifts
1. Buy cards at the dollar store for a dollar and I save gift bags I receive to reuse for gifts
2. put samples I receive away for stocking stuffers
3. put contest prizes I receive away to use as gifts
4. order gift certificates from loyalty programs to use as gifts