SmartCanucks Contest: Win A Sodastream Source & 3 Ocean Spray SodaMixes


Our friends over at SodaStream have another great prize for you.  You can win a SodaStream Source Drink Making Machine and three bottles of sodamix in Ocean Spray flavours: Grape, Fruit Punch and Cherry.  All you have to do is enter using the rafflecopter form below (it may take a minute to load) commenting on the blog to let us know which flavour you want to try.

The giveaway will end on Thursday 28th November at 11.59 ET and the winner will be announced the following morning so you will likely have your new SodaStream machine in time for Christmas if you win! The Source starter kit retails for about $130 and sodamix is often on sale 2/$10 at Walmart so this is a great prize.

For more information about SodaStream, check out their website or follow them on facebook or twitter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

378 responses to “SmartCanucks Contest: Win A Sodastream Source & 3 Ocean Spray SodaMixes”

  1. MJ says:

    Cranberry grape looks good………..

  2. Jan Smith says:

    I would love to try the cherry flavour 🙂

  3. Michelle says:

    I’d like to try Cranberry raspberry

  4. CL says:

    I would like to try the cherry flavour!

  5. Anthony says:

    Mango apple pleaseee

  6. Abbie says:

    I would love one of these. trying to give up regular soda. 🙂

  7. melissa says:

    Cranberry raspberry looks tasty!

  8. Linsay K says:

    Cranberry raspberry is my choice!

  9. Mattys mom says:

    Our family is all about Cherry anything… so I would want to try that..

  10. torontogal12 says:


  11. Rachel M says:

    I would LOVE to try the cranberry grape flavor!

  12. catherine says:

    I’d get the mango apple for sure!

  13. Nick says:

    Fruit punch!

  14. Amy Heffernan says:

    I would love to try the “tea”

  15. Justin Credible says:

    Definitely Cranberry Raspberry

  16. Parisa says:

    Grape sounds just yummmmmy!!! I have been wishing to get one of these for xmas!

  17. Joanne says:

    I want to try them all but I really want to try grape!

  18. sparkletangerine says:

    Cranberry raspberry would be amazing! trying to get off the pop so this would be a good and healthier change.

  19. Jonathan says:

    Fruitpunch all the way 🙂

  20. jo says:

    the cranberry!

  21. Amber says:

    I would Love to try CHERRY!!! yum!!!! 🙂 🙂

  22. Robin Monks says:

    Would love to find some that don’t use artificial sweeteners!

    • FallenPixels says:

      @Robin, they have a naturally sweetened version in the US you can order online, I am sure they will make their way up here

  23. Linda says:

    I own a unit myself and now my son wants one for Christmas. I would love a chance to win so I can try the cherry flavor.

  24. Tracey H says:

    I’d love to try cherry.

  25. Natalka says:

    Would love to try the grape!

  26. pinkps says:

    Id love to try fruit punch!

  27. Lil says:

    My kids would love FRUIT PUNCH! I hope we win!!!

  28. Maria says:

    I wanna try fruit punch!

  29. Kailyn says:

    cranberry raspberry 🙂

  30. Kelly says:

    I think the cranberry raspberry would be great!

  31. Rebecca says:

    I love raspberry flavored anything so I’ll say Cranberry Raspberry!

  32. Mel says:

    Cherry looks great!

  33. tthomp47 says:

    Can’t wait to WIN!! I would LOVE to try the grape!! 🙂

  34. jayco says:

    i’m a cranberry gal! these machines always catch my eye..interesting concept. i love carbonated drinks but not conventional pop so i’m sure i’d love using this!

  35. melissa says:

    I would LOVE one of these.

  36. Ava Mifflin says:

    I would choose fruit punch ty

  37. Cheezee says:

    Kinda fun!!! Love to try all of them!

  38. nanc91 says:

    mango apple for sure!

  39. amy lovell says:

    Would love to try cranberry!

  40. yu says:

    yum! cranberry soda! =)~

  41. VeeVee says:

    I love anything grape!

  42. olivercat says:

    would love to try the grape–sounds nice!

  43. Bradley says:

    cranberry grape sounds delicious

  44. Jackie says:

    I’d love to try cranberry grape!

  45. Wesley says:


  46. Annie says:

    fruit punch for me!

  47. Annie says:

    fruit punch!

  48. Jenna says:

    I would love to try fruit punch!

  49. cjworld says:

    Cranberry !

  50. deb says:

    cherry yum!

  51. Dm says:

    all look good

  52. Strawberrymivvy says:

    Love the sound of the fruit punch!

  53. luckbealady says:

    Cranberry Grape sounds yummy!

  54. sctich says:

    I would love to try the Cranberry Grape first, although I know the other two flavours would be soon to follow. My kids would be so excited to have their Oceanspray cocktails “sparkly” tasting!

  55. Kayla says:

    Cherry Cola

  56. Meredith says:

    I want to taste them all but if I must chose, I would like to taste the cranberry raspberry. Delish

  57. Cheryl says:

    Would love to try this! Im always mixing club soda with my juice!

  58. debbie says:

    i would like to try the grape.

  59. Tom says:

    Grape for me!

  60. Cassie says:

    Machine looks awesome – cherry please!

  61. I would love to try one of these

  62. fluffy bunny says:

    I would LOOOOOVE to try the Cherry. 🙂

  63. Kendra says:

    Ice tea

  64. Karen says:


  65. SuperG says:

    Fruit punch sounds good!

  66. Amanda says:


  67. Danielle says:

    Cranberry Grape!

  68. Jen says:

    The cranberry raspberry sounds yummy!

  69. rachel williams says:

    the cranberry grape. :9

  70. Cherry!!!! Or cranberry raspberry!

  71. Pascale says:

    I would definitely try the good old cranberry one. I could mix it with some orange and that way add some sparkling to a classic.

  72. Wendy says:

    Raspberry for me!

  73. Iris says:

    Would love to try grape!!

  74. Lesley says:

    I’d love to try the Fruit Punch Flavour!

  75. Connie says:

    Cranberry Raspberry for me!

  76. tracey lynne says:


  77. heta s says:

    my choice would be fruit punch

  78. Michelle says:

    I realllllllly want a SodaStream….it’s on my Xmas list! I think the CranGrape would be yummy!!

  79. Susan says:

    I would love to try grape!!!

  80. Goldie says:

    would luv to try it with Cranberry Raspberry!

  81. sarah says:

    fruit punch!

  82. Lindsay says:

    I’d like to try the Cranberry!

  83. Lilija says:

    I want cherry

  84. bekki says:

    I’ll take the cranberry

  85. BuffyBC says:

    I would like to try the Cherry. Thanks

  86. Leanne says:

    Cherry would be great

  87. Bargain Seeker says:

    Looking forward to try the cherry.

  88. Shabnam says:

    one of each please!! 🙂

  89. Diana Plavins says:

    cranberry raspberry yum!

  90. Larissa says:

    Cranberry Raspberry, mmm!

  91. DonRom says:

    I think the BERRY would be FABULOUS!!

  92. Momoftwo says:

    Cherry please! Although they all look great.

  93. Josi says:

    I’d like to try cranberry raspberry 🙂

  94. Brandon says:

    This would be an awesome holiday gift to myself 🙂

  95. couponcat says:

    Cranberry Grape!

  96. Adrian says:

    nice to see these new flavors from ocean spray

  97. jackie says:

    First I’d try the fruit punch!

  98. Brittany says:


  99. Alaina Monster says:

    I would love to try the cherry flavour. Thank you for the chance 🙂

  100. Brenda says:

    Cranberry Grape! My favourite of their juice, would love to try with sodastream

  101. zombiegirl says:

    omg Cranberry grape would be SO GOOD!!

  102. Kerri says:

    Cranberry raspberry!

  103. irene says:

    Yum Fruit Punch!!!

  104. Matt D. says:

    I would like to try the fruit punch!

  105. Melanie says:

    All of them! 🙂

  106. madryn_m says:

    I want to try cherry.

  107. Sarah says:

    I would like to try cherry!!!!! 🙂

  108. Judy C (Cowan) says:

    I would like to try the Cranberry Raspberry

  109. scouponer says:

    cranberry grape..sounds yummy

  110. iamarchemedes says:

    Do they have Spruce Beer?

  111. Erika Letson says:

    I have really wanted one of these! Cranberry sounds great to me!

  112. Silvia says:

    I would love to try the cherry flavour.

  113. seham merzib says:


  114. aussie says:

    would love to try grape!

  115. Linda says:

    I’d love to try the cranberry grape.

  116. AIrline_guy says:

    CranberryGrape Looks great.. I would like to try that!

  117. loriag says:

    I would love Cranberry raspberry.

  118. Areta says:

    Cranberry Raspberry – perfect for holidays!

  119. loriag says:

    I would love to try the Cranberry raspberry

  120. Alicia says:

    Cherry looks great!

  121. Imran Alam says:

    i would like all of em lol

  122. Keana says:

    I would love to try the Grape flavor!

  123. Brontae says:

    yum! I’d love to try cranberry grape (=

  124. Michelle says:


  125. Rebecca says:

    Cranberry Grape!

  126. Annie says:

    Cranberry Grape sounds delish!!!

  127. Katherine says:

    The cranberry raspberry looks good!

  128. Erin W says:

    I want to try cherry, sounds delish!

  129. Joseph says:

    Cranberry raspberry

  130. Sarah says:

    Cranberry raspberry

  131. Rosibal says:

    Cranberry raspberry for me

  132. Bun says:

    Yum! Cherry!

  133. Super Mel says:

    Cherry please!

  134. Steffi says:

    I’d prefer just the regular cranberry.

  135. papasmurf says:

    Mango apple sounds awesome!

  136. Christina Murray says:

    just cranberry

  137. S. Hirano says:

    Cranberry grape sounds yummy.

  138. Mia says:

    Love grape! Since my childhood!
    Grape please!:)

  139. Lynda T says:


  140. Lisa Detelder says:

    Cranberry Raspberry sounds great!

  141. jaxflower says:

    I’d love to win this and try the cherry!

  142. ryry says:


  143. Fiona says:

    Cranberry Grape

  144. Abby1 says:

    I’d like to try the Cranberry flavour the most!

  145. Stephen B says:

    Grape would be the best

  146. Hailey says:

    would love to try grape

  147. Karine says:

    Cransberry! Sounds delicious! I like the Cranberry Blueberry juice so I’m sure I’ll like the soda stream version!

  148. Melanie says:

    Cranberry Raspberry!

  149. linda abrams says:

    Fruit Punch

  150. Jasen H says:

    Cranberry Grape

  151. Melissa Alexakis says:

    Cran grape would be awesome

  152. Andrea Amy says:

    Cherry 😀

  153. Nancy says:

    Thats a neat prize!

  154. steve trink says:

    I would love to try cherry flavour!

  155. Vivian says:

    Cranberry grape!

  156. leesa says:

    would love to try the cherry!

  157. Kim G. says:


  158. Blue Berry says:

    Cranberry Grape sounds great.

  159. Tracy says:

    I’d love to try the cranberry one

  160. jen says:

    Cranberry Grape! This is on my Christmas wish list. 🙂

  161. jon says:

    I hope I win

  162. Courtney says:

    I would love to try the grape

  163. angela m says:

    Cranberry raspberry

  164. Jessica says:

    Ooh, fruit punch.

  165. Elaine says:

    cranberry grape sounds interesting!

  166. Kristy s says:

    Cranberry grape!

  167. Megan says:

    I’d like to try fruit punch 🙂

  168. Kathleen B says:

    Cherry cola

  169. marie says:

    Fruit punch plz.. (really i would to try them all)

  170. Brenda Penton says:

    Cranberry Grape

  171. Flo says:

    Go grape go!

  172. Jenn says:

    Cranberry Grape

  173. Angelica says:

    Cranberry Grape seems good

  174. Steve says:

    Cranberry Grape

  175. Marcel laforest says:

    Cranberry grape

  176. marg says:

    i would love to try the cherry, i have wanted one of these for a long time, thx so much

  177. bonnie says:

    Cranberry-raspberry please!! Yummo!

  178. Laurie says:

    Personally not sure which one I would like. They seem to be all interesting to try…so I will say all the flavors.

  179. D says:

    We wold love to try the classic cranberry. Good luck to everyone.

  180. Lauren says:


  181. Susan says:

    Grape please 🙂

  182. Robyn says:


  183. Kasia says:

    Cranberry <3 healthy and yummy!

  184. Melissa says:

    Cranberry! 🙂

  185. sunfire231 says:


  186. Christina garrett says:

    I wanna try the cranberry and grape

  187. Jan says:

    would love to try cherry. Good luck everyone 🙂

  188. K says:

    Cranberry Raspberry.

  189. Caroli says:

    I would love to win one of these,especially for my kids..we would all love the cranberry fruit punch!

  190. Melissa says:

    The cranberry raspberry sounds so good!

  191. karen says:

    I’d love to win this! I would try the cranberry-raspberry.

  192. Nayya says:

    Cranberry and raspberry is always a winner! good luck everyone!

  193. Lee says:


  194. Tameillia says:

    Cherry would be awesome to try 🙂

  195. Christina says:


  196. Katherine says:

    I’m on a cranberry kick these days- yum!!! I want one of those machines so bad! They’re so delicious! Home made Italian soda! 🙂

  197. Elisabeth says:

    Grape !

  198. Angela B says:

    Cranberry please!

  199. Greg says:


  200. Sherry Peirson says:

    I’d like to try Crystal Light Raspberry-Lemonade

  201. Adina H. says:

    I would like to try Cherry.

  202. Stephanie says:

    I’d love to try fruit punch

  203. SJinTO says:

    Would love to try the cranberry raspberry!

  204. Tania says:

    mango apple please!

  205. Amberley says:

    Definitely the cherry!!

  206. takanikki says:

    I wuld love to try fruit punch! 🙂

  207. JessicaP says:

    Would love to try Fruit Punch!

  208. Jenny L says:

    I want to try fruit punch

  209. kylie says:


  210. marion vardy says:

    Either 1

  211. jess says:


  212. maryann says:


  213. Sara says:

    Cranberry raspberry!!

  214. saundyl says:

    that looks really neat – does it make it carbonated too?

  215. Heather says:


  216. COWgirl says:


  217. Dianne says:

    Cranberry Grape Please!

  218. Nadine says:


  219. Angela SC says:

    Grape please 🙂

  220. Darwin says:

    I want to try cranberry grape.

  221. julie says:


  222. tracy says:

    cran raspberry sounds great

  223. puckman789 says:

    I would love to try fruit punch!

  224. Carrie says:

    I would so love to win this! I’d try them all!

  225. Jess says:

    Cherry is my first pick, but I’d like all of them 😉

  226. michael says:

    cherry cola!

  227. marj says:


  228. Shan says:

    Cranberry raspberry!!

  229. Trisha says:

    The cherry looks yummy.

  230. Elaine d says:

    I’;d like to try the cranberry grape!
    but want to really try the cola!

  231. Jen W says:

    yummmm! Would love to try the cherry

  232. Joanne Robinson says:

    Cranberry Raspberry because thats my favorite but the grape would be good too!

  233. Kat Fin says:


  234. hibxox says:

    oh la la! id love the cherry

  235. Dee Schwark says:

    I’d like to try them all, but the one I’m most drawn to is the Grape 🙂

  236. Rachel E says:

    Cherry looks good

  237. Andrew P says:

    The Cranberry Raspberry!

  238. Christy Martin says:

    I would most like to try the Cranberry Raspberry.

  239. Jo-Anne Pfoh says:

    cranberry grape yummy

  240. patricia says:

    definately the cranberrygrape

  241. Treen Goodwin says:

    I would like to try Cranberry Grape sound yummy , thanks for the chance to win !!! 🙂

  242. charityk says:


  243. Amanda W says:

    I have wanted to try one of these!!

  244. Carmen Wong says:

    cranberry raspberry!

  245. elleqt says:

    Cranberry Raspberry

  246. scott macmillan says:

    Mango apple.

  247. Elaine Buonsante says:

    I’d like to try the grape flavour!

  248. FatB says:

    Cranberry Grape

  249. Amanda Miller says:

    definitely cranberry grape

  250. Laura says:

    I would like to try them all!! But the grape one sounds really good!!

  251. Janette says:

    I would love to try the cranberry grape!!

  252. stefanie haluk says:

    i love cherry

  253. Alexis says:

    Would love to try the grape!
    Thank you

  254. Jaclyn says:

    I would like to try the grape!

  255. Meghan says:

    Fruit punch

  256. macw1960 says:

    I would love to try Cranberry Grape.

  257. Colleen says:

    The Cranberry would be my choice!

  258. Michelle says:

    Yay! Cranberry please!

  259. jvs says:

    love to try this

  260. Cr says:

    Cran raspberry!

  261. Andrea Williams says:

    I would like to try the Cherry first.

  262. Linda Bragg says:

    I’d love to try the Cranberry grape. Like them all tho.

  263. melinda says:

    my hubbys a popaholic. would love to have this

  264. Diane says:

    Cherry! 😀

  265. Robyn B. says:

    I would love to try the Cranberry raspberry.

  266. Matthew says:

    Cherry for me please!!!

  267. amanda sharples says:

    fruit punch!

  268. Vikki says:

    I have been coveting the SodaStream! Grape sounds good!

  269. Karine says:

    I would love to try their sparkled teas

  270. Kelly Brian says:

    Cranberry grape would be my first choice!

  271. Mambo says:


  272. Jackie says:

    Cranberry Raspberry sound delish!

  273. My family would try the fruit punch first.

  274. Troy says:

    I’d like to try the grape.

  275. BethS says:

    cranberry raspberry for me!

  276. Genevieve says:

    I’d try the cranberry raspberry!

  277. Leia says:

    hmm…. cranberry grape

  278. little country girl says:

    fake purple!!! (aka grape 🙂

  279. Nancy says:

    I’d like to try Fruit punch!

  280. Angela Mitchell says:

    I’d love to try the Grape.

  281. ST says:

    Would love to try one.

  282. lisa bolduc says:

    Cranberry raspberry sounds yummy

  283. Amirah says:

    I would love to try Cranberry Raspberry 🙂

  284. HappyCouponSaver78 says:

    Concord grape soda stream tastes delish! Any of these is fine with me! 🙂

  285. Bonnie says:

    Fruit punch!

  286. Sarah says:

    We’d try cherry. 🙂

  287. Leanne says:

    Cranberry sounds good 🙂

  288. cdnchk says:

    Grape, please!

  289. jane kramer says:

    oh I really want one of these machines, I would love to try the cranberry raspberry

  290. Ro says:

    This would be a wonderful replacement for pricey and unhealthy soft drinks!

  291. Ro says:

    Cherry sounds delicious!

  292. Steph says:

    Cherry sounds delicious

  293. Cathi says:

    Cranberry raspberry would be my first choice to try

  294. SeakyLiz says:

    I would love to try Fruit punch 🙂

  295. misty says:


  296. Amélie Pelletier says:


  297. Jen B. says:

    The fruit punch sounds nice! 🙂

  298. Chandra Christine O'Connor says:

    cranberry grape

  299. Katarina says:

    Cherry yum!

  300. Autumn says:

    Cranberry-Grape sounds really good!

  301. Tara crawford says:

    Love trying New flavors

  302. Sunshine G says:

    Cranberry raspberry – mmm!

  303. maria says:


  304. Cheryl P says:

    Cran-Raspberry would be a great one to enjoy oveer the holidays

  305. Tina L. says:

    I’ll try the Cranberry Raspberry first.

  306. Davina says:

    I want to try grape!

  307. Sarah McBride says:

    The cherry would be my pick!

  308. Silvia D says:

    i would like to try the Cherry

  309. Victoria Ess says:


  310. sabrina worrall says:


  311. Ammie P says:

    Cherry all the way!!

  312. Shawn M says:

    I want to try Cranberry Raspberry

  313. Pat Drouillard says:


  314. Cathy C says:

    I would definitely try the Cranberry Raspberry flavour

  315. Lori L. says:

    Cranberry Raspberry gets my vote!

  316. Judy Bickford says:

    the cranberry raspberry

  317. Julie Bolduc says:

    Id love to try fruit punch!

  318. Maplegirl says:

    I would like to try the cherry…..but I have to wonder if this draw is actually going to happen. Still waiting to hear who won the Rideau Centre Gift Card from the draw that was supposed to happen over a month ago.

  319. Marlene says:


  320. heidi c. says:

    Diet cola!

  321. AmandaS says:

    Thanks for the great contest! I would love to try the cranberry grape flavor

  322. Amy C says:

    I would like to try the Cranberry Raspberry

  323. Angela says:


  324. Olivia says:

    I’d love to try cranberry raspberry

  325. daystar003 says:

    cranberry raspberry

  326. Jessica says:

    I would love to win! Raspberry is my fave and I would love that one.

  327. Yeiji says:

    I would like to try grape or cran-raspberry!

  328. Suzanne says:

    Ohhh-hard to choose but the grape looks really good!

  329. Darryl says:

    I am have heard a lot about this machine so hoping to try it in person by winning one.

  330. Nora Edmiston-Harlos says:

    I love all three but my new favorite is the Cran-Cherry

  331. Maria says:

    Cherry it would be, chilled.

  332. Nash0109 says:

    They all look good!! I’d like to try the raspberry first!

  333. Sylvia says:


  334. Ann-Marie says:

    Fruit punch!

  335. Cat says:

    Mmm raspberry!

  336. B Louie says:

    I’d go with the grape!

  337. Dan Jacobs says:

    would love to get one of these

  338. Dan Jacobs says:

    preference on flavour would be cranberry

  339. Molly says:

    I’m obsessed with cherry flavor and I’ve been wanting one of these machines for forever!

  340. Daisy says:

    i’d like to try the cranberry flavour

  341. parm says:

    I would like to try the cherry flavour!

  342. Phil says:

    Mmm, soda.

  343. Melissa says:

    Fruit Punch

  344. Karyn says:

    I’d like to try grape

  345. Isabel says:

    Would love to try this

  346. Vicky says:

    Cranberry grape!

  347. Masumi says:


  348. francine says:

    fruit punch

  349. Khristopher says:

    I’d love to try the Cranberry-Raspberry.

  350. marina says:

    Mango apple please

  351. John K. says:

    Fruit Punch

  352. CJCram says:

    Fruit punch!

  353. Erin McSweeney says:

    Cherry for sure

  354. Mad Yad says:

    Any of them, really. Trying to give up a certain brown, caffeinated soda.

  355. Kala says:

    The Cranberry Raspberry looks good!

  356. laurel says:

    This looks so much fun! All the flavours would be great to try, but my first choice would have to be fruit punch! thanks 🙂

  357. Chantel says:

    I would love to try the cranberry grape!

  358. Jenna says:

    Cranberry grape!
    Our FAVOURITE beverage maker!!!! Soda Stream rocks!

  359. Anne says:

    Cherry flavour

  360. mary foley says:

    Cherry !!

  361. bookworm_gal says:

    Grape looks great!

  362. Mandolinatou says:

    fruit punch

  363. CampKim74 says:


  364. will says:

    I would like to try the cherry flavor!

  365. Holly says:

    Cranberry 🙂

  366. Janice says:


  367. Natalie D says:

    I’d love to try Cranberry Raspberry. Yum!

  368. Steven says:


  369. Amy says:

    Mmmm Cranberry Raspberry sounds delicious!!!

  370. Linda C says:

    The grape looks delicious!

  371. Sandra says:

    I would love to try the cherry … mmm, mouthwatering!

  372. donna snugglebuns dufresnen says:

    I would love to try the raspberry I have never even tried a soda stream drink ever thank you for the chance to win

  373. Annoyed says:

    Where do we go to find out who won these contests?


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