I’ve made a few enhancements to SmartCanucks’ blog design and also got a proper logo designed for the website at last. I hope you like the new design changes and the new logo 😀
If you have any feedback, suggestions or ideas please let me know! I will take your feedback very seriously and try making the blog as pleasant as possible to all SmartCanucks.ca readers!
To celebrate the new design and logo we’ll be having a contest this Wednesday on the SmartCanucks blog and the contest will go on for over a month with someone winning a $10 gift card daily! Check out the blog on Wednesday for the official contest launch and more details!
Very Nice !!!! 😉
OH MY GOD i love this design!
Love the new design Boo!!
Looks great!!
Great design, looks more professional!
Great job! Love your website!
Very smart clean looking, easy to follow.
Nice job.
Ditto’s on the design change as well.
— tech-side could take some hints from this thought. 😉
wow!! It’s awesome!
Great Job!!! I love the new design 🙂
Wow I noticed the difference as soon as I logged in. The new look is very nice and I like it very much.
i really like the new look
Looks totally cool!
I love it! As a matter of fact as soon as I saw it I thought ‘I’d LOVE to have a shopping bag just like it’! So there’s a thought if you ever go into the shopping bag business. :~) Personally, I’d buy several!
Finally the font in the comment form is the right size!
I agree about the shopping bag. It would be a great design for a real life bag.
The only thing I don’t like is the way the comments are laid out. They require more scrolling.
Wow! The site look great! I love the new shopping bag logo as well. You’re probably not all done yet but I would suggest you use a different(lighter) colour background on top of the main page to contrast with the red shopping bag. Keep up the great work. I love this site. 😀
Looks great Boo!
Really nice. I’m in agreement about the bag – I want one.
Nicely done, keep up the great work!
Looks great Boo!!!
Always great to see change and improvements. Awesome work on the site Mr. Radley!
It looks great! Very professional
I am finding it takes a long long time to load up when i first call up the page.
I love it! It looks great
The new disign looks great! Thanks for all the tips – appreciate it!
I like it too! Very nice. HOwever, it doesn’t load as fast as the last site…maybe its just me? anyone else having this problem?
I’m finding the site is loading lightning fast, so it doesn’t look like it’s an across the board issue. Maybe because the old site was in your cache so it’s trying to get its head around the new design? That may make no sense, but it’s worth checking out. Try clearing your cache and see if that helps.
looks good Boo, fantastic job!
It looks very Web 2.0, nicely done. 😉
Nice job!
Maybe it’s just me. I’m using 26″ widescreen, I see far more width than the standards even without maximizing. The content of this page is leaning toward the left, which is standard. Personally, I’d prefer if it were centered or stretched. But it’s no big deal, really.
Thanks for the great work!
Good job on the updated branding! I have to admit I check SC every day. At least twice a day, once during the morning so I know if I need to go shopping after work, and then check once again in the evening so I know if I should go shopping during lunch the following day. Hehe. I <3 SC
Great logo and nice redesign. I agree with SallCat that you need more contrast for the logo. One really easy way to do that is to change the shopping bag to WHITE and the flat to RED (matching the header color). That would look *reeaallly* classy. 🙂
Nice job again.
Looks good!
It looks great Boo
I like the new logo design!
Like the look…but I find pages are slow to load. I have a super-fast connection and don’t have problems with any other website or application.
Love the new look Boo! Now the forum just needs to be updated to match.
Wow! Totally awesome dude! loving the whole new look.
great design indeed 🙂
I am having a problem with the pages loading too since yesterday…it has become super slow.
As I said before I love the new logo and redesign!
I have one suggestion, I don’t know if maybe I can’t seem to see it, but a search engine by subject/word would be really useful. Please direct me to where this is if I am missing it! Thanks!
Ok sorry about that…I just found it..I am pretty new here…please disregard!
Love it, love it, love it! Great job!
Personally, I think the shopping bag part of the logo is a bit dark, and blends too much with the background! Very awesome redesign, though.
Good blog design and nice colors…good logo as well…
Looks great. A nice improvement.
it looks very pretty
nice to have a change