SmartCanucks Official Hot Canadian Deals and Coupons to go With Flyer Savings Until June 8th

Add some of the best deals of the week to your shopping list with the help of our list of hot deals and coupon match ups for the week!

One of the best deals this week is for Royale toilet paper at No Frills, so if you can head there or price match the flyer somewhere else you can get it for $2.99 or less! The 12=24 roll package is advertised for $2.99 here in Ontario, and you may have the coupon for $5 off when you buy three Royale products, or the coupon for $1 off any Royale product. If you don’t happen to have those coupons, make sure to check the packaging of any Royale products that you might have at home. Many have $1 coupons on them that you can cut out and use.

Click here to view the list for this week!

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