Smartphones Information Lite


Looking to buy a Smartphone?  Don’t you wish someone would just take the time to distill the positives about each OS into a bulleted list you could read in under a minute?

Here you go.  You’re welcome.

iPhone  (Most Expensive)

  • Beautiful Screen
  • Excellent Touch Sensitivity
  • Easy to Use Layout
  • Many Quality Apps
  • iTunes


  • Convenient Thumb Pad for Typing
  • Security
  • Stability
  • Durability
  • Popular Blackberry Messenger


  • Ample Phone Selection
  • Tons of Free Apps
  • Compatibility
  • Flash Support
  • Multitasking Capable


  • Excellent Touch Responsiveness
  • Fast Loading and Switching
  • Quick to Navigate Layout
  • Decent Phone Selection
  • Microsoft Compatibility

There is a nifty comment section below where you can add or subtract from my list above using your own opinion.  I’d like to hear what you think too.

21 responses to “Smartphones Information Lite”

  1. awalkman says:

    I love how Nokia is completely left out. But then again, their phones aren’t smart very often.

  2. Sally says:

    Haha, I severely dislike my dh’s work nokia “smartphone” thingy.

  3. izikavazo says:

    I’d add to Android, customizable. I have an Android that in the past I’ve made to look like Windows Phone 7, now I’ve created my own UI. You can’t really do that on anything else without some serious programming know-how.

  4. dfsfs says:


  5. Robin says:

    iPhone is it for me. OK mine is old 3g (2 generations back) but still up to date.

    It seems like that software updates for the android phones seem to be a hassle if you can get it at all. Even what you buy today can still have an old version of the os.

    Nokia announced a couple of weeks back that they are gone make windows phone 7 phones so i guess that’s where you should place them

  6. dotsthewarlock says:

    @awalkman you must have missed out on 11.2.11 – in short, Nokia partnered with Microsoft and will COMPLETELY phase out Symbian in favour of WP7.

  7. BMyltoft says:

    Was so happy to see this post !
    All my favorite things are slowly beginning
    to appear on this site.
    Deals, Smartphones, Wheres my cosmetics blogger ?

    I personally own an iphone, but cant stand it.
    I bought it about 2 years ago for the fact that when
    Jailbroken I can do quite a bit with it.
    But over time Ive become to hate anything apple.

    Android is the way to go.
    Its very customizable and user friendly. 🙂

  8. curls says:

    Apple iOS is way more stable than Android… Easiest (in my experience) to type is the Blackberry…

    Oh and i discovered today on my Android phone you only have the choice of English or French – how weird is that?

    Love the iPhone4 the most, but for work if i have to email a lot – blackberry

  9. Sandy says:

    Techno Noob here.. and iPhones seem pretty user friendly to me.. and darn right about the fact that they are expensive.. had my purse stolen with all my cards and cash and iphone 4 (32GB) and all.. when the purse was returned, everything remained in the purse except the iphone.. even the multiple green bills in the bag!! O_o think the thief had a somewhat guilty conscious???

    But used a Samsung Galaxy S before getting another iPhone replacement, it was pretty neat as well.. user friendly too =D but once I went iPhone, there is no turning back XD

  10. Tracy says:

    I need a new phone, I have always had Motorola and loved them. Never had any problems. Now I hear they really fell down with their smartphones. People that have iphones tell me don’t get one, theirs aren’t that great.
    Help! I was thinking about an HTC. Any help would be so appreciated 🙂

  11. dandelion says:

    I UBER LOOOVE my Blackberry!!! Best phone ever for me.

  12. mupiel says:

    @Tracy I’ve used a new HTC and love the performance. Android is my favorite platform personally and, on the HTC Desire Z I was playing with it, it ran beautifully. The screen on that model in specific was really nice. They include a really cool App as well called Friend Stream which saves a lot of time with Social Networking.

    I think its also best if you pop into Best Buy and handle the model phones so you get an idea of the feel and overall size. If you are going to have it for awhile you want it to be comfortable.

  13. ilemming says:

    You left out HP’s (formerly Palm) WebOS. Only voted CES device of the year when the Pre came out in 2009… multi-tasking blatantly copied by RIM for their Playbook (and Windows now). WebOS warmly regarded by tech blogs as “user friendly, multi-tasking a breeze to use, one of the best user interfaces”… Hardware is a different story, but with 3 upcoming devices they’re trying to bridge the gap.

  14. mupiel says:

    The market share for those are low so far. I wanted to try and keep it concise and Palm didn’t make my cut but it certainly has it advantages and I love your points. Thanks for including them!

  15. katie says:

    I love my blackberry, the actual cell service has been cut off for a month but I still use the WIFI to go on the internet 🙂

  16. sampler says:

    Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant won me over. I just ordered one cost me $270 No contract (I got hooked up). I love this phone because of the vibrant screen, front face camera, you can turn it into a router so you can give someone access to your internet (I got unlimited data so I am in love with that), you can apparently hook it up to your TV wirelessly (still need to look into how that is done). I really love the speed of the internet, no “checkered board” that is commonly seen on the Iphone 3gs and Blackberry Torch. I love the live wallpapers that the phone has too !! and HD recording !!! …I know it doesn’t have a flash but I am ok with that. I also like how it has an app on the main screen that will show you how many applications you have running and visually show you when its to a point where your battery life can be in jeapordy, and you click on it and you can decide to cancel the other apps within it. I am big on browsing as I like to be up todate on the smartcanucks deals 😉 so I find that this phone fit perfectly for me as I like the ability to customize & share my internet in a very easy way

  17. sampler says:

    ohh and it also comes with SWYP !!! A new way to text ! (you don’t have to lift your finger off the screen to type, you just swyp your finger accross for the letters). Pretty funky, it works surprisingly well, you can be inaccurate and it will still figure it out or give you options for the word you are trying to type…. it’s creative.

  18. Cheryl888 says:

    I use a windows phone (htc), and aside from some glitches my phone has in itself, the platform is great. Windows is super easy to use, and you cant really screw it up. If you are a techy, it might not be the phone for you, as its not overly customizable, and doesnt give you a lot to work with. However, I got my mom this windows phone, and she (54) had it mastered in a few days!
    The app’s are growing in number, but are OVER PRICED. My hubby has a droid, and the same apps are usually half the price. Dont buy, and the price will come down…but its a wait.

  19. Tracy says:

    Thanks everyone! 🙂

  20. sampler says:

    @ Tracy…the HTC Desire was the option that I was almost leaning towards before I purchased the Samsung..but I didn’t like the look of the HTC so I went with the Samsung Galaxy. HTC Desire is apparently better than the iphone 4 and Galaxy …but i couldnt stand the look, and the areas that it excels at are not very visible to most or not important and another reason why I didn’t choose it was because I find that I can be more confident with Samsung Galaxy’s compatiblity with future promotions that might consider specific types of phones (I know this sounds weird, but for example the facebook places coupon offer -I don’t remember if it included samsung, but still) I find that I would be recognized more with the Samsung than the HTC interms of special offers *blushes* I could be wrong but this was just one of the reasons. Another reason why I went for the samsung is because they make amazing screens !!!

  21. DummyTech says:

    iPhone is the king when it comes to phones. They started the whole new smartphone thing and they will lead the way until smartphones era come to an end. Others will simply try to catch up.


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