SmartSaver Canada Coupons: Two New Printable Amope Coupons Available

Two new coupons were just very recently added to the SmartSaver Canada savings portal. If you have any interest in coupons for Amope products, you can now print these coupons:

  • Save $3 on the purchase of one package of Amope GelActiv Ball of Foot Cushions
  • Save $4 on any Amope GelActiv insoles

These coupon are always available in limited quantities so remember that before long they will run out. The mail in rebate form for the Insoles is now sold out, but if you have already printed it out and have yet to pick up the insoles, it would be a good idea to print and use the $4 coupon.

While you are there, you may still be interested in the mail in rebates which are still available. The Resolve, Finish, K-Y, and V.I.Poo rebate forms can still be printed.

Click here to get your Amope coupons from

2 responses to “SmartSaver Canada Coupons: Two New Printable Amope Coupons Available”

  1. guylaine macdonald says:

    i just saw on a commercial on television for getting a free pair of gel insole for women is that still available

  2. Guylaine MacDonald says:

    i just saw a commercial for the amope gel insole free for women and that is what got me on this site are they stilll available


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