There are some brand new coupons available for print through the SmartCanucks SmartSource Canada portal! Head online now and you could claim these coupons:
- Save $1 off your purchase of Rolaids Bottle Tablets!
Rolaids bottle tablets come in a range of strengths that help give you rapid relief for heartburn or acid indigestion! It’s great to keep on hand so you don’t let heartburn get in your way. This coupon excludes the purchase of Roliads rolls.
Other new coupons available now on the SmartCanucks SmartSource portal include:
- Save $1.50 Off Any Dove Female Body Wash.
- Save $2 off any one NeoCitran Product.
These coupons are available for a limited time only. There is a limit of 2 coupon prints per computer.
Click here to get your coupons from the SmartCanucks SmartSource portal.