If you visit our SmartCanucks SmartSource printable coupon portal, you will find that there are three newly added coupons for Colgate products. Click the link below and you can print the following Colgate coupons:
- Save $1 on the purchase of any one Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief Toothpaste product
- Save $2 on the purchase of any one Colgate Optic White Toothpaste product
- Save $2 on the purchase of any one Colgate Renewal Toothpaste product
These coupon can be printed twice per browser, and are typically valid for a month from the time of printing, although some coupons do have a much longer expiry date.
Colgate mega-premium toothpastes 70-150 are advertised this week at Real Canadian Superstore Ontario for $4.98, and the three different types for which there are coupons should be included in this sale, which would make them $2.98-$3.98 after coupons.