A new hidden high value coupon is available for Tampax and Always products! Save $3 on the purchase of any one Always Infinity or Tampax Radiant product when you click the link below and print the hidden SmartSource Canada coupon.
These coupons can be printed twice per browser, so you can print two in your current browser, then copy and paste the link into a different browser for more prints. There are limited prints of this coupon available, so be sure to get at least a couple of prints before they are gone.
Next week at Shoppers Drug Mart Canada the Tampax Radiant Tampons and Always Infinity Pads are both advertised for $3.99, which would make then 99 cents each with the coupon. If you are doing a 20x the points shop or some other offer, then with the points back and the coupon these would be free!
Click here to print your coupon for $3 off Always and Tampax products.