In addition to that last coupon we let you know about for $1 off the purchase of select Royale products including Tiger Towels, there is also a new coupon available that is expressly for Royale Tiger Towels. This new coupon for $1 off the purchase of Royale Tiger Towels six rolls or larger, can by found by clicking the link at the bottom of this post.
Like the last coupon, this one also has a long expiry, and is valid until the end of the year. Using your current browser you can print two copies of the coupon. For more prints, reopen the link using a different browser. Each browser that you use will allow you two more prints.
The Tiger Towels are on sale Shoppers Drug Mart Canada this week for $4.99, and they are often this price there, making this a perfect item to pick up with the coupon when you are doing a shop for 20x the PC Optimum Points.
Click here to print your coupon for $1 off the purchase of Royale Tiger Towels.