SmartSource Canada Coupons: Save $3 Off Any One Icy Hot Product

81sKF-DO9nL._SL1500_ has a new printable coupon this morning that will help you save. Head online to the Smart Canucks Smart Source coupon portal and print out your high value coupon for $3 off any 1 IcyHot product. Icy Hot line of products include patches, rubs and lotions that can help you relieve pains such as arthritis, backache, muscle strains, sprains, and cramps. It’s great to have handy in your medicine cabinet if you have a physically demanding job, or play sports. With the savings you get with this coupon, you can afford to keep IcyHot on hand for any of life’s occasions that cause you pain.

Click here to print your coupon for IcyHot from the Smart Canucks Smart Source portal

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