Sobeys Canada Deals: Discount Canadian Tire Gift Cards This Week

50 CanTire GCs

If you plan to shop at Canadian Tire soon, stop by a Sobeys store to pick up a discounted $50 gift card this week.

This deal will not apply if you buy two $25 cards or a larger denomination so make sure you are getting $50 cards.  There are no rain checks so shop early and the advertisements in the flyer specify no price-matching so you won’t be able to match this deal in another store.

These gift cards will save you at least 10% off your purchases at Canadian Tire so a great time to shop for a gift card.

One response to “Sobeys Canada Deals: Discount Canadian Tire Gift Cards This Week”

  1. Psych Nairo says:

    These are fabulous deals!! Telling my pals about this. Thanks!


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