Social Nature Canada has a new testing opportunity available, and you can sign into your account through the link below to see if it is being offered to you. This new product for review is Bob’s Bars from Bob’s Red Mill.
If you do qualify to receive the sample, you will get a voucher for 1 FREE Snack Bar, 1.76oz (50g), with a value of $1.99. I have to comment here that I always see people asking where they can find the product once they’ve received there voucher, but you will see under your postal code it will say “Choose preferred pick up location” right above the “Apply To Try” button. This provides you with the store and location closest to you at which you will find the product. If you can’t find the product there you are likely just looking in the wrong area of the store.
Vouchers for this product will ship early May.
Click here to apply to try Bob’s Bars!