The Sony PlayStation Store Canada is having a Rockstar Sale where you can save up to 75% off the original price of 25 different games! Save on titles including Bully, The Warriors, Manhunt and more until Monday, August 22, 2016.
- Bully, PS2, PS3: $5.99, was $10
- Bully, PS4: $10.49, was $15
- The Warriors, PS2, PS3: $5.99, was $10
- The Warrios, PS4: $10.49, was $15
- Manhunt, PS2, PS3: $5.99, was $10
- Grand Theft Auto V, PS4: $41.99, was $70
- Grand Theft Auto PS Vita Collection: $13.99, was $35
- Grand Theft Auto III, PS4: $10.49, was $15
- Grand Theft Auto V, PS3: $23.99, was $40
- Grand Theft Auto V & Whale Shark Cash Card Bundle, PS4, $53.99, was $107.99; PS3: $48.59, was $107.99
- Grand Theft Auto IV, PS3: $11.99, was $20
- Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, Ps4: $10.49, was $15
- Grand Theft Auto The Trilogy, PS4: $24.49, was $35
- Grand Theft Auto V & Great White Shark Cash Card Bundle, PS3: $39.99, was $80; PS4: $47.01, was $85.49
- Grand Theft Auto Vice City, PS4: $10.49, was $15
- Grand Theft Auto V & Megalodon Shark Cash Card Bundle, PS3: $57.79, was $144.49; PS4: $57.79, was $144.49
- Max Payne, PS4: $8.99, was $15
- Max Payne 3 The Complete Edition, PS3: $11.99, was $30
- Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare Collection, PS3: $11.99, was $40
- Rockstar Games PS Vita Collection: $11.99, was $30
Click here to shop at the Sony PlayStation Store Canada.