SPC Canada Weekly Perks, Urban Behaviour, Aeropostle, Costa Blanca


Spc has a few great offers this week and next so I figured I’d make one post with them all. 

November 11th:

 50% off at Urban Behaviour

50% off at Costa Blanca

November 18th-21st

Save 35% at Aeropostle friends and family SPC event

Thanks Funkymunky for suggesting all these SPC deals.

7 responses to “SPC Canada Weekly Perks, Urban Behaviour, Aeropostle, Costa Blanca”

  1. thaichips says:

    funkymunky is the best! 🙂

  2. Karen says:

    But it is all Remembrance Day. I fell weird to go shopping that day.

  3. monica says:

    Ok, Costa Blanca is having a sale 50% off so i guess this will be an additional 50%???? anybody…

  4. Larynn says:

    Aren’t stores not open on rememberance day? In my province they aren’t.

  5. jennc22 says:

    @Larynn – I live in Ontario, pretty much everything is open except for the Gov’t and the banks.

  6. SkinnyTony says:

    Is there an alternate date for provinces that don’t allow stores to open remeberance day?

  7. FunkyMunky says:

    haha thaichips <3! 🙂


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