Staples Canada: Buy any 2 Packages of HP Toner get a Free Shredder

Canadian Deals & Coupons


This week when you buy any two packages of HP toner at Staples get a free 6-sheet crosscut shredder (value $39.96). Offer available in store only.

You can also get a free 500-sheet HP white multipurpose paper ream when you buy any HP photo or brochure paper. Check out full flyer here.

6 responses to “Staples Canada: Buy any 2 Packages of HP Toner get a Free Shredder”

  1. wendyjane says:

    love the picture 😉

  2. Trinigal says:

    I need one of these. There’s so much wasted hamster energy in my household ;).

  3. Sarah says:

    Is toner the same thing as ink?

  4. Sarah says:

    Is there a limit also? Like would I need to buy them in seperate transactions or could I buy 4 all together and get two shredders. Or is it one per person. Anyone have any more information on this deal?

  5. DeeB says:

    No, toner is not the same as ink. Ink is for inkjet printers and toner is for laser printers. So buying two toners won’t get you $10 off and buying two packages of ink won’t get you a shredder. And you would be able to purchase both inks and toners in the same transaction as they are difference promotions. And yes, for shredder, it is one per person. I work at a Staples.

  6. couponmom says:

    My first impression was a hampster cage. Just stick the hampster in it and you can use the shredded paper as litter. Just jokin of course. Happy Family Day fellow ontarian’s


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