If you are planning on shopping Staples online, here are some good coupon discount codes for you. Please note the expiry dates are different on each one.
$25 OFF on orders $200 or more, valid until March 26, 2010
8998 8921 6350 5214
$20 OFF on orders $200 or more, valid until March 26, 2010
8999 6921 6350 5217
$20 OFF on orders $150 or more, valid until March 16, 2010
9190 1921 6350 5213
$20 OFF on orders $150 or more, valid until April 16, 2010
9112 9100 7814 4504
$10 OFF on orders $75 or more, valid until April 16, 2010
9112 4100 7814 4504
$30 Off on Ink Cartridge valued at $70 or more, valid until April 16, 2010
9113 4100 7814 4504
$10 Off on Ink Cartridge valued at $30 or more, valid until April 16, 2010
9113 1100 7814 4500
Thanks to A for sharing this offer through the “suggest a deal” form.
Has any one else tired using these coupon codes? I tired using both the $20 off of the $150.00 and the staples web site says they are invalid.
Apparently the coupon code is on the barcode of the coupon.
help, if any one has any suggestions to make it work.
I just tried the last 4 codes and none of them worked. They said they were used or expired.
I also just tried the codes and they didn’t work for me. Are they already active or will they be soon?
Those coupon codes are all one time use.
Sign-up for their emails they will send you those offer once in a while.
What’s the use of publishing those codes if they are not valid????? Have else spend their time trying? I did try them all. All are invalid
Yes, only the 5 digit codes are multiple use I think. Looks like Justine just gave away a bunch of somebody’s one time use coupons.
Hmm… sorry guys, like I said in the blog post, someone submitted these through the “suggest a deal” form… and I posted them as they were. I hope someone got to use them.
Anyone have a new code? Need on today for 20 off 150? They are one time use only so I am looking for a new one. Thanks!
$20 off
your phone or online purchase of $150 or more*.
Coupon code : 9292899041161848
I’m not going to use this it expires today hopefully someone sees this post and uses it!
Here are a couple one time use coupons for someone to use since I don’t need them this week…
20 off 150$ purchase expires June 16, 2010
9314 9921 0650 7692 VALID ONLINE OR or by PHONE or FAX order only.
15 off purchase of Staples FSC Certified Eco Friendly Multi use Paper 5,000 sheets per case