Subway Canada Deals: Take Your Breakfast For Only $3

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Enjoy your breakfast at Subway Canada now. Get a 6-inch Cheese Omelette Sand­wich and a 12-oz cof­fee for only $3. This offer is valid for a lim­ited time only. Break­fast is offered from open­ing time until 11 am or until clos­ing at par­tic­i­pat­ing loca­tions. Dou­ble meat, extra cheese, or bacon, are all extra.

Click here to view this Subway deal.

3 responses to “Subway Canada Deals: Take Your Breakfast For Only $3”

  1. Robin Monks says:

    My local Subway limited this to only egg & cheese and wouldn’t allow you to buy to pay the “add bacon” price of $0.50 to make a 6″ bacon for $3.50. They were told they management specifically told them not to allow it… I have a very cruddy Subway.

  2. Debbie says:

    Isn’t that what its advertised as “Dou­ble meat, extra cheese, OR bacon, are all extra.” ALL EXTRA means additional cost?? Management seems to be right.

  3. Rev says:

    Pretty old news considering this has been on for months now.


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