Sunlight Canada Coupons: Save $2 On Any Sunlight Advanced *Printable Coupon*

A new printable coupon for select Sunlight products is now available, and can be found by clicking the link below. Save $2 on the purchase of any Sunlight Advanced Dishwasher detergent product, or Sunlight Rinse Aid.

This coupon is a pdf coupon, and you are able to print and use as many as you would like before the expiry date of June the 30th, 2022. If you print the full coupon with the image it is going to use a lot of ink, so it’s certainly up to you, but seeing as how all of the pertinent information is at the bottom of the coupon you might want to crop out the image and print just the bottom portion.

If you are looking for a great price to use the coupon with, Walmart Canada currently has Sunlight Advanced Dishwasher detergent 72 count on Rollback for $10.97, regularly priced at $17.97. With the coupon you will pay just $8.97.

Click here to print your coupon for $2 off the purchase of Sunlight Advanced dishwasher detergent or rinse aid. 

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