Super Mario Rescues The Princess

Mario finally overcomes his enemy and rescues the woman he has been fighting to save.

Video not suitable for children


Have a good weekend 😀

8 responses to “Super Mario Rescues The Princess”

  1. Meg1112 says:


  2. BENJI says:

    Why is this on here?

  3. c10a7 says:

    OK, maybe it is not posted in the right place but you have to agree that it is very funny. I had a very good laugh, thanks Boo Radley!!!

  4. Glen says:

    Why not?

  5. paul says:

    that was awsome!!!

  6. Adam says:

    Too freakin’ sweet!

  7. Joel says:

    It was pretty funny, but at the end I was like: oh $h!t, that was gross. =-)

  8. Adam says:

    At the beginning I pictured Stewie with an Italian accent, hehehe!


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