Swiss Chalet Canada has great New Coupons, available now. The new coupons are valid until February 26, 2023, for dining room and walk-in take-out only. The New Swiss Chalet Canada Coupons include:
- A Quarter Chicken Dinner Lunch Deal for $11.49, using the Coupon Code SC802. White meat add $1.80.
- 2 Can Dine, 2 Quarter Chicken Dinners for $22.49: using the Coupon Code SC800. White meat add $1.80.
- 2 Can Dine Deluxe, 2 Quarter Chicken Dinners + 1 App + 1 Slice of Pie for $33.49: using the Coupon Code SC801. White meat add $1.80.
These coupons are valid until February 26, 2023.
Click here to view Swiss Chalet Canada Coupons