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I don’t eat at Taco Bell very often. I do not like how they handle the cash and then are making the food the next second with no gloves or hand washing inbetween. It grosses me out.
Gross. I worked at TB during my Fast Food days, and if we EVER made food without washing our hands first we got a tounge lashing and maybe even a write up. That was only 2 years ago too. I would report them..
I don’t eat a Taco Bell often, but no serious food service organization would allow what your saying. If you see it, report it, but this is not a Taco Bell problem, it’s the person you saw do it’s problem.
Besides, I wonder how often you wash your hands after taking the cash out of your wallet and before you sit down to eat it? Or after you shake a persons hand etc. Germs are part of life, take off you gloves and embrace it.
Ugh…I am pregnant, and just looking at that picture makes me want to hurl… I have heard they use Grade D beef …the same kind that is in dog food…
They actually use regular beef and do list all their ingredients now due to that rumour. But I’ve been to taco bells in random locations including Vegas and the cashiers make the food too without washing, not sure if it’s just something thats not enforced or what.
all their faqs on their meat
I’m glad that the employees at the TB I go to put gloves on whenever they make food. :S
They can say whatever they like about their “Premium Blend & Signature Blend” beef lol I worked for a company that provided market share info for the food service industry. We had a database of products consisting of just about everything you could possibly put in your mouth when you eat out across the country. Taco Bell “beef” has a HUGE percentage of soy.
People who think lik this about food have problems. Embrace the germs. I never get sick because I am not overly conscious about them. Take in some germs and get immune to them.
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