Taco Bell Canada Offering Beer in Select Canadian Stores in 2017

Taco Bell Canada is the latest fast-food chain to jump on the alcohol serving train. The company announced that, due to a steady growth in their Canadian retail locations, they will begin offering alcoholic beverages to legal aged customers in select locations across Canada beginning in 2017.

The move comes after several other fast-food chains have been experimenting with the idea of serving alcohol at these usually alcohol-free restaurants. A more successful example of this trend was KFC, while Starbucks has decided to halt the operations of their evening liquor sales in the US (though they will continue with expanding this program across Canada).

Taco Bell has seen a 28 percent growth in the Canadian market in just the past five years, and they plan to capitalize on this attractive market by growing their current chain of 160 stores across the country to 700.

The first location to be testing out this beer and tacos program will be none other than the Toronto Queen St. West location.

Click here to find the nearest Taco Bell Canada to you.

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