Tag: Always Discreet

SmartSource.ca New Coupons: Save $2.00 OFF On Always Discreet Products

The SmartCanucks SmartSource printable coupons portal has been updated with new coupons that include: Save $1.00 when you buy any one Always Discreet pads product (excludes trial/travel size, value/gift/bonus packs) Save $1.00 when you buy any one Always Discreet liners product (excludes trial/travel size, value/gift/bonus packs) As with all coupons available through SmartSource SmartCanucks portal, you are limited …Read More

P&G Everyday Freebie: FREE Always Discreet Samples + Coupons

P&G Everyday Canada is giving away a free sample online right now! Head online now and you could claim a free sample of Always Discreet products! There are a 2 sample packs you can choose from: Always Discreet Underwear samples 1 Small/Medium and 1 Large Maximum Absorbency Underwear OR 1 Large and 1 Extra Large …Read More

Canadian Freebies: Always Discreet Sampler Packs Available Again

These Always Discreet sampler packs have been available a couple of times in the past, so if you missed out before, here is another opportunity to receive your sample. There are two sample packs that you can choose between, and if you have ordered a sample pack in the past, but it was 6 months …Read More


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