From August 13-29 you can save 20% on any regular priced car seat, travel system, stroller, crib, bassinet, exerciser, bassinet, high chair, swing or playard when you bring a used one to any Babies R Us store across Canada. The brand name of the trade in doesn’t matter and you don’t have to trade for the …Read More
Wow, so excited about this one! From July 16-18 you can save $5 on a minimum purchase of $5 at Babies R Us. So you can get something for FREE! All you have to do is print the coupon and head on over to a Babies R Us store this weekend. They have quite a …Read More
Huge thanks to couponlady for this great list each week. Shoppers Drug Mart Sun & Mon only Huggies mega diapers or Life brand clun pack diapers(68-104s) $14.77 – rest of the week $15.99 Johnson’s baby toiletries $2.99 – rest of the week $3.99 Huggies Pull Ups or Goodnites $15.77 – rest of the week $16.99 …Read More
As always, thanks to couponlady for all her hard work in putting together such a great list of deals for all us parents out there. Walmart Fisher Price giant box diapers $24.97 Nestle Good start with omega or Natural cultures 640/730g $24.87 Pampers 7x wipes $12 Gerber baby food 6 for $3 Similac advance powder …Read More
Thanks, as always to couponlady for all her hard work making this great list for us! No Frills Pampers value pack diapers Size 3-6(72-144s) $29.99 Walmart Pampers 5pk or 6pk wipes refill 320-360s $9.97 Pampers Easy Ups or Underjams size 4-8(40-68s) $19.97 Parent’s Choice largest pack diapers size 3-6(120-200s) $27 Nestle Good Start with omega …Read More
As always, a huge thanks to couponlady for making this great list for us! Walmart Huggies Pull Ups pants value pack $26.97 Huggies mega colossal diapers $36.97 Shoppers Drug Mart Pampers mega diapers $14.99 Huggies pure&natural diapers or Life brand training pants $12.99 Chicco or Nuby baby accessories 20% off Huggies little snugglers,Pull ups nightime …Read More
And without further ado here is the amazing baby deals list put together for us by couponlady! Please keep in mind that prices may differ depending on where in the country you are. Shoppers Drug Mart Huggies Cleanteam flushable moist wipes 986s $5 Huggies Cleanteam flushable moist wipes tub 42s 2 for $5 Huggies wipes …Read More
Once again a huge thank you to couponlady for putting together this great list for us of all the baby deals to be had and making my life so much easier. As always, remember that prices may be slightly different depending where in the country you are. Real Canadian Superstore Pampers or Huggies Mega …Read More
Babies R Us is celebrating it’s 10th anniversary with some HUGE sales!! Some of the sales include: $150 off Eddie Bauer Stroller/Car Seat set $70 off Eddie Bauer Deluxe High Chair $40 off Eddie Bauer Soothe & Sway Playard Joe Boxer PJ sets 2 for $15 BornFree Pacifiers buy one get one free and much, …Read More
For TWO DAYS ONLY Babies R Us is offering the Diaper Genie I and II refills at 2 for $10! Sept 11 – 12 only! These hardly EVER go on sale, goodness knows I could never find them for less than $7 on sale so stock up now! Limit of 3 per family, so 6 …Read More